
Tren insomnia?

this is the first time i have ever had the night sweats but they already stopped... whats strange to me is im running enanthate and they hit me week 2 and 3 and now stopped 4 and 5... i am such a quick responder though so it does not surprise me... this is at 400 mg per week... other than that, i keep it at 350-400 and generally avoid most other sides... anything higher and im getting most of them and as much as i hate sides, i keep it where its at to avoid it and its still extremely strong and has a ton of gains and quality with it...

Same here! I push it to 650mg just to see where sides kick in and found them there! I hold at 400mg to 450 since that seem to be me balance pointe! Good gains and none of dide effects, beside my sex drive is all time hogh! But am not going to complain here about that! I just find someone to use it on! Lol! At tjis dose, I feel like my okd punk ass self for sure!

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