This time of year its an awesome feeling to get those veins popping, the skin tight, and those striation lines coming on strong.
We all know diet and training is our bread and butter, but the compounds can really make your physique shine and accelerate your progress, bringing in a new level of hardness and vascularity.
If you want help setting up a cycle that is PERFECT to help you look your best this summer, send me a PM or hit me up on wickr. Id be happy to help you achieve your goals!
I offer FREE one on one consultation with EVERY ORDER at 1 stop domestic shop!
Hit me up in PM or on wickr and ill help you set something up!
Wickr - RickRock13
We all know diet and training is our bread and butter, but the compounds can really make your physique shine and accelerate your progress, bringing in a new level of hardness and vascularity.
If you want help setting up a cycle that is PERFECT to help you look your best this summer, send me a PM or hit me up on wickr. Id be happy to help you achieve your goals!
I offer FREE one on one consultation with EVERY ORDER at 1 stop domestic shop!
Hit me up in PM or on wickr and ill help you set something up!
Wickr - RickRock13