
Stupid requests asked to The 44...

Lol NJ. The worst I have is one group of family members that will steal anything that isn't nailed down that they don't think you'll notice. Several years back at a family function, my aunt asked my mom about her makeup. Mom showed her her bag to look through. As soon as she was done she shot out the door with a closed hand. Mom's like oh shit, my meds were in there. She had swiped some pain killers and ran out the door to pop or hide them in her car. Fucking bullshit. The kids are the same way except one somehow. He's a good guy. The others were asswipes. Took one two stints in prison and now he's straight. The middle son is still a free loader and frequent arrestee. Thinks he deserves what others work for.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!

My nephew in prison is 32, been locked up most of his adult life. We always handle his commissary and things like that because his mother just prioritizes other dumb shit. Granted you gotta live your life, but when you ask us to pay $2000 in his lawyer fees and say that you, your adult son and daughter that live together are willing to contribute $25 each towards his fees you gotta be joking right? My wife doesn't even feel she can leave her purse around any of her family members and really that's got to suck. They talk almost daily, but when you visit them you're either leaving your purse in the car hidden, or keep it on you 24/7 it's crazy to me.
Her sister Pot Roast pays attention to everything too... purse, shoes, clothes. You name it. My wife went in her pocket book thingy and she was standing there leaning over looking into it to see how much money my wife had. My wife closed it up and said 'excuse you you need something in there?' the fat bitch was doing it so hard she didn't notice she was so obvious. I mean everyone of them except her mother has asked for money. Every last one and the so called kids that are adults now... how are you in your 20's living with your mom? Because everyone else is in their late forties and fifties doing the same thing except two people...
My nephew in prison is 32, been locked up most of his adult life. We always handle his commissary and things like that because his mother just prioritizes other dumb shit. Granted you gotta live your life, but when you ask us to pay $2000 in his lawyer fees and say that you, your adult son and daughter that live together are willing to contribute $25 each towards his fees you gotta be joking right? My wife doesn't even feel she can leave her purse around any of her family members and really that's got to suck. They talk almost daily, but when you visit them you're either leaving your purse in the car hidden, or keep it on you 24/7 it's crazy to me.
Her sister Pot Roast pays attention to everything too... purse, shoes, clothes. You name it. My wife went in her pocket book thingy and she was standing there leaning over looking into it to see how much money my wife had. My wife closed it up and said 'excuse you you need something in there?' the fat bitch was doing it so hard she didn't notice she was so obvious. I mean everyone of them except her mother has asked for money. Every last one and the so called kids that are adults now... how are you in your 20's living with your mom? Because everyone else is in their late forties and fifties doing the same thing except two people...
Ugh.. I don't envy you at all brother. Leeches...
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