I'm on week 4 of Test E 350 mg per week pinning twice a week. Was planning on adding DGA at week 11 as Dylan suggested. At the 2 week mark my balls started to ache. That's been going on for a week. My trainer said I should blast with HCG. I took 500 iu a week ago, did nothing then he suggested a larger dose, so I took 2000 iu 3 days ago, the next day I felt quite a bit better, then back to aching again.
Am I missing something? Is this common or could this just be me being too sensitive to the gear? Any suggestions or should I come off and do my pct and go back to sarms? TIA everyone.
Am I missing something? Is this common or could this just be me being too sensitive to the gear? Any suggestions or should I come off and do my pct and go back to sarms? TIA everyone.