


I need more meat on the backs of my shoulders any work out suggestions?

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back fly on pec dec machine

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I find I have to hit rear delts twice a week with lots of volume to get them to grow. And obviously mind muscle connection is paramount.
i had a shoulder video on youtube that is not up anymore, i'll try to get it re uploaded again
Overhead press works all three heads of the delt so you could incorporate those into your routine.
They're not for everyone and I don't recommend them if you have to crane your neck and lack flexibility but behind the neck pulldowns lighter and squeezing the contraction will help bring out the upper back and rear delts.
Rear delts are the calves of the upper body lol not very many people train them very often and there def a muscle that needs a lil extra attention. Train them more often and high volume
Pec dec machine can help pump your shoulders. You can try to alternate different types of training: split, high-intensity, low-intensity training etc..
Don’t forget about the overhanded pull-up. That always makes my backs and shoulders grow.

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Rear delts are the calves of the upper body lol not very many people train them very often and there def a muscle that needs a lil extra attention. Train them more often and high volume

Agreed the upper back and rear dekts can handle an absurd amount of appropriate training. Vince they basically are what will keep your posture straight. Try training them more often with high volume. You could even do some band pull aparts with a light weight band at high reps every day even. But make sure you can feel them doing the work. I almost always close my eyes twhile doing pull aparts/face pulls etc, just to be sure I’ve the mind muscle connection on lock down.
iso-lateral movements.. rotating single arm bent over lateral raises superset with single arm rear delt rows.. high reps until you have the mind muscle connection down then start going heavier and do drop sets
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Something I really enjoy that works wonders for the shoulders overall is standing behind the head barbell press. Start with the bar resting on your traps and push from there each rep. Use light weight and be smart.

Also, i started doing behind the back barbell shrugs, but I perform them a little differently. Start with a grip that is a little wider than shoulder width. When you shrug up focus on shrugging up with your rear delts, and then transition it to pull with your shrugs. You want to shrug the bar over and past your butt. This is easier to show rather than explain, but you might get the gist of it.
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