I've recently completed my first cycle of test-e 500mg week 1-12, test-p week 13-14 125mg EoD and dbol 40mg week 1-5 with a 4 week nolva (40, 20, 20, 20) and clomid (50, 25, 25, 25) PCT aswell as a complete 7 weeks of and counting. So my question is, now that I've ordered a bridge cycle from SarmsX, would it be worth running a short 6 week bridge cycle with s-4 and mk-2866 before starting my next cycle or would it be better to just wait it out and start a new cycle when the time has come? I've ran bloods before, during and after, and according to the results 4 weeks after PCT, my natural production was pretty much back to normal (985 ng/dl before, 871 ng/dl 4 weeks after, 995 ng/dl 7ish weeks after). Also to add, it doesn't seem like i was to suppressed from the cycle either, bloods right before my PCT showed that my testies was still producing at 622 ng/dl (30ish% suppression). my colesterol aswell as liver, kindeys etc is good aswell since the 4 week post PCT test. I know my gear was legit because I had it tested in a private lab (232 mg/ml). Don't ask why, but I do have access to most medical services through a family owned clinic, hence all the frequent blood tests.
My specs are:
BW: 230 lbs
BF: 14%
Been lifting for 6-7 years.
Any feedback is appreciated
results from my first cycle was good
Squats went from 540 to 595
Bench went from 370 to 418
deadlifts went from 570 to 640
And i've kept most of it, had a setback in week 2 of PCT and lost more due to sickness, but got back the following 3 weeks.
My specs are:
BW: 230 lbs
BF: 14%
Been lifting for 6-7 years.
Any feedback is appreciated
results from my first cycle was good
Squats went from 540 to 595
Bench went from 370 to 418
deadlifts went from 570 to 640
And i've kept most of it, had a setback in week 2 of PCT and lost more due to sickness, but got back the following 3 weeks.