
PCT for previous use


New member
I'll keep this short, but I was wondering if anyone has any input on using pct for previous use of anabolics that you didnt heal and recover from. Let's say you PCT after your cycle and things just never go back to normal. would another PCT after a while help or just a waste?
I'll keep this short, but I was wondering if anyone has any input on using pct for previous use of anabolics that you didnt heal and recover from. Let's say you PCT after your cycle and things just never go back to normal. would another PCT after a while help or just a waste?

Yes, if you didn't recover fully I would absolutely run another pct. that's why you always go by bloodwork to see where everything is at post cycle
Yes, if you didn't recover fully I would absolutely run another pct. that's why you always go by bloodwork to see where everything is at post cycle

The bloodwork came back "normal" but normal for who? I was dumb and didnt get bloodwork before the usage, so i have no "normal" to look back on. I can only go by what i see and feel and much has changed. Thanks man. What would you recommend? you dont have to list brands or sources obviously.
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