
Next cycle- thoughts-10-12 weeks


New member
I am wanting to gain some good clean muscle size on my next cycle. Was looking at running test prop 100mgs eod tren e or ace (100mgs eod) 400 per week and kick start with anadrol 50 ed 50 mgs 1st four weeks. Didn’t know if I should run this stack for 10-12 weeks or add anything on the back end. What are your thoughts? Want to run this as a short cycle to do a proper pct then rest my body then start my show prep cycle. Trying to time it perfectly.
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
Sorry bro. I’m sitting at 215 BF is 8-9% I’m 42 5’10” I’ve done 2 cycles already. Added 25 lbs for last show. Used tren ace, test prop, winstrol, masteron, weight was 196 at last show a month ago. Still on 6 week pct. I would like to weigh 215-220 show ready by next may ( next show).
you can go 10 weeks with the short esters just fine here... i like winstrol on the back end...
OP, follow what Dylan said &run the a-boms to start and winny to finish; That's a money combo!!!
Should gain a solid 15-20 lbs clean lbs if my diet is clean?

You're a big guy so it doesn't sound like you have a problem gaining but 10 to 15 lb from one cycle is a lot to ask for. But I do feel with a clean diet that have a lot of success on this cycle.
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