
New to lifting and SARMS. Looking for a place to start

Age: 36
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 169
Body fat: 12%
Years of training: 1
Never used steroids
Goals: Increase weight to 200, decrease fat to 8%

Supplements: I take a LOT of supplements and nutrition is something I have a good handle on, am looking for SARMS advice specifically
2600 Calories/day; P:30% C:20% F:50%

Hi everyone.

I found this forum by watching some of Dylan's videos on the website - has anyone tried the products offered by this site or is it a scam?

I am new to lifting at the age of 36. I wasn't athletic growing up, had a traumatic childhood which left me with a variety of mental health problems, an eating disorder, adrenal fatigue, very low testosterone and eventually a full nervous breakdown/PTSD. Life really wasn't good these past 25 years and the gym was the last place you would find me, but after deciding I was going to heal (or die trying), somehow I have gotten rid of my mental health problems and have lost fat and gained over 25lbs in weight since the beginning of this year by lifting until exhaustion twice a week the past 5 months, taking control of my nutrition and doing a lot of cycling.

At my worst point, in January this year, I was 140lbs with some stored fat on stomach, chest and legs. A year of great nutrition and a variety of supplements has made a huge difference and now I have muscle definition, can do 75 situps without stopping and on some exercises can lift more than my own bodyweight. The progress I have made so far has been impressive but I am limited as to how much I can exert myself with current energy levels. A good training session kills me for the next 48 hours. Training 4x per week and eating 3000+ calories is not really an option for me currently as with other health problems I have to be careful about what I eat and too much carbohydrate gives me brain fog.

I want to hit 200lbs and be able to show off those muscles by cutting down to 8% body fat. This would be a real triumph for me. This might be optimistic but considering how much I have already gained in 5 months of bi weekly training, I would hope to hit my target by next summer (another 7 months).

My question is: Which SARMS do I use and for how long to set me toward the goal mentioned above? I have researched Ostarine, Cardarine and Andarine so far. They are all available to me and within my price range. Some of the others such as SR9009 and Ibutamoren seem more expensive and I don't want to waste money unnecessarily as I am unable to work much. I have spent a couple days reading about the different compounds but am struggling to see how they overlap or complement each other.

Any advice appreciated!
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Age: 36
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 169

Body fat: 12%
Years of training: 1
Never used steroids
Goals: Increase weight to 200, decrease fat to 8%

Supplements: I take a LOT of supplements and nutrition is something I have a good handle on, am looking for SARMS advice specifically
2600 Calories/day; P:30% C:20% F:50%

Dude, you need to eat, lift and rest. You're underweight, your diet is not the best, your calories are in fact low for your goals and you're not gonna put on +31 pounds and cut down to 8% on SARMs alone. That'd take a couple to a few years.
bro coming on and asking if something is a scam is pretty much going to get you no help... im pretty fucking insulted you would say that period... good luck
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