stats : 180 pounds
:15% ~17% bf
1st cycle was test e only
now want to cut this body fat and i was a skinyfat guy now in have built a great amount of muscle but my my body fat is aliitle bit high
thinking of running tren ace only for cutting as i bloat easly even on letro @2.5 mg/day ( pharma grade )
so is estrogen inportant and will i get any benfit frim runnig tren ace only ?
:15% ~17% bf
1st cycle was test e only
now want to cut this body fat and i was a skinyfat guy now in have built a great amount of muscle but my my body fat is aliitle bit high
thinking of running tren ace only for cutting as i bloat easly even on letro @2.5 mg/day ( pharma grade )
so is estrogen inportant and will i get any benfit frim runnig tren ace only ?