
Help blood work

When do I take mk2866 and Cardarine on non training day and can I take aromasin and dostinex at same time or to make the time difference between them?
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You take them everyday and it literally makes no difference the time of day... just relax man and follow what i said you are over thinking now
Sorry it is me again...

I see today Dylan put video about Indole 3 Carbinol.

Can I also use in my position a indol 3 carbinol in pct?

oh boy... bro, THE TITLE SAYS you can use it in pct and on cycle... will you please stop overcomplicating things and just do exactly what i told you to do now SEVERAL times
Hy it is me again...

I just wanna ask you should I go test my blood work after 6 weeks out..2 weeks off and 4 weeks of PCT like you told me

Poslano sa mog LG-H815 koristeći Tapatalk
Hy Dylan here are the results after 6 weeks of my pct...i do my blood test before weeks and today i finally get results..

Do you suggest me to continue pct?



Poslano sa mog LG-H815 koristeći Tapatalk
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