
Gym douchebaggery

I have to tell you something funny as hell. In Gold's one day and at end of my lift I was riding the stationary bike. This other guy Tony also jumped on a bike. He was a decent guy, but a little bit of a douchebag. Not very big. Genetics were nothing to speak of, but he thought he was the shit. Now, there was this guy named Gary who was an absolute fucking monster powerlifter, except he wasn't fat. He was 5-6 215-220. Rock solid. Benched 605, deads and squat were also sick. He was one of the best up and coming powerlifters during this time. Well, he gets done deadlifting and he missed a weight and was pissed.

He's leaving the gym and has to walk past the stationary bikes. Tony starts to needle him about getting pussy or a girl. Gary walks over and rips him off the bike. At first, Tony thought Gary was joking. He says "Gary, stop. Come on bro stop." Now Gary drags him out the door. Everyone was scared of Gary so no one said shit. I happened to be friendly with him. I'm still on the bike and I hear people screaming at the gym owner to go outside and stop Gary. They were screaming "he's slamming him on the cement, Gary is going to kill him, do something!."

The gym owner looks out the window and turns around and says "fuck that. I'm not going out there." Lol

I walk outside and Gary is literally lifting him up and dropping him on the sidewalk. Then left him lying there in a heap.

This was like 30 yrs ago. Me and Gary still laugh about it today.

Unbelievable... Tony bought that ass-whooping though, lol. Great story!

Omfg please dont you guys are fucking evil lmfao. Couldnt help but laugh thjs was legitimately funny.
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