
Great Incentive to Have Blood Work Posted!!


It has been brought to our attention that we don’t have people posting up their blood work after using our outstanding products. Now we know that this is a matter of privacy and that not everyone is comfortable sharing, but it does help show that we have the highest quality product out there and allows other individuals to make informed and educated decisions when purchasing products. We are offering a one-time incentive to gather this important information. We are seeking 4 individuals to run some our gear and post their blood work for the board to see. The four requirements are as follows:

1. Individual one will run our Sustanon 300mg/ml for 14 weeks. The individual MUST run bloods at the proper injection protocol and draw time. The blood tests will be paid for by the individual running the product. The blood results MUST then be posted on the AR forum. In return for your services the Sustanon will be provided to you for free by Phurious Pharma.

2. Individual two will run our Test Cypionate 200mg/ml for 12 weeks. The individual MUST run bloods at the proper injection protocol and draw time. The blood tests will be paid for by the individual running the product. The blood results MUST then be posted on the AR forum. In return for your services the Test Cypionate will be provided to you for free by Phurious Pharma.

3. Individual three will run our Test Enanthate 200mg/ml for 12 weeks. The individual MUST run bloods at the proper injection protocol and draw time. The blood tests will be paid for by the individual running the product. The blood results MUST then be posted on the AR forum. In return for your services the Test Enanthate will be provided to you for free by Phurious Pharma.

4. Individual four will run our Test Prop 100mg/ml for 8 weeks. The individual MUST run bloods at the proper injection protocol and draw time. The blood tests will be paid for by the individual running the product. The blood results MUST then be posted on the AR forum. In return for your services the Test Prop will be provided to you for free by Phurious Pharma.

Please PM SweetnSpicy or Email at [email protected] if you are interested.
It is just the stand alone products. No other gear can be run at the same time. We want true results with just our products. And I got you back Saiyan.
Thanks SnS.
This is a great deal guys. I would be all over this if I wasn't almost a month in. Lol or I could always just stop and switch over! I've heard too many good things on Phurious.

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Thanks SnS.
This is a great deal guys. I would be all over this if I wasn't almost a month in. Lol or I could always just stop and switch over! I've heard too many good things on Phurious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can switch over and wait long enough for the other product to clear. What are you currently on?

This sounds like a great deal for a guy like me who gets bloods like clockwork, but unfortunately at the time (or fortunately) Im mostly full on supplies right now. :-(

Great offer guys.
What we have so far is Sust and Cyp covered. Now we just need to find two more guys to do test prop and test e.

This is free gear guys and all you have to do is get bloods done. It's that simple!
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