
Good article

Man that is fucked up to get your life so out of control. That is why these people can take meth, get stomach staples etc but never loose weight.They have a mental issue. Cutting their stomach out does not address the mental issue. I am so far away from a mind like that...I can barely relate to it. I hate tobacco, alcohol, or any type of addictive behaviour. I guess he was in a fight for his life and came out ok. But many never come out ok?
I have a cousin who is food addicted and I can tell you that it is just like drugs. He gets up for breakfast and bakes 3 cakes...pulls them from the oven and melts one stick of butter into each cake. He eats all 3 cakes and washes em down with a 2 liter coke. I won't go on about his meal he eats more at luch than I do in 2 days. It really is sad.
Man that is fucked up to get your life so out of control. That is why these people can take meth, get stomach staples etc but never loose weight.They have a mental issue. Cutting their stomach out does not address the mental issue. I am so far away from a mind like that...I can barely relate to it. I hate tobacco, alcohol, or any type of addictive behaviour. I guess he was in a fight for his life and came out ok. But many never come out ok?
I have a cousin who is food addicted and I can tell you that it is just like drugs. He gets up for breakfast and bakes 3 cakes...pulls them from the oven and melts one stick of butter into each cake. He eats all 3 cakes and washes em down with a 2 liter coke. I won't go on about his meal he eats more at luch than I do in 2 days. It really is sad.
I can understand you not having the ability to really understand that sort of addictive behavior and to be honest, it all starts at home and with your role models, i.e. your parents. You were very fortunate to have such an awesome dad to steer you clear of things of this nature. I can relate to the guy in the article because I have a very very addictive personality and growing up eating massive amounts of food daily with little to no excessive was just the way it was. I won't put all the blame on my parents though, my mom passed away at the age of 11 and my dad did the best he could. We moved in with my grandparents and eating fast food daily was a regular thing. On top of my grandpa would constantly cook huge meals 3 times a day that were the furthest thing from healthy. My grandpa died of a massive heart attack when I was 13 when he was in his mid 50s. It was the way of life for me and my family, all we ever knew. I blew up to 350+ pounds by the time I graduated high school. I was more than addicted to food. I was also addicted to alcohol. I knew by the time I was 18 that this wasn't right. Growing up I thought that I was just destined to be the fat guy, I knew no better. I however, decided to make a change and from 18 until present day I've been living the healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, I'm now 30 and I still battle my addictions to food and alcohol. I don't know if it will ever go away. I have started and stopped and restarted this journey towards my ultimate goals more times than I can count. I just keep striving to get better and become the best version of myself that I can be. It'll be a life long battle but I'm confident I'll win the war. I can find solace in a story like this guys because I can relate.
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