
First cycle


New member

Thanks for all the help. I've learned many things watching your videos.

My goal is to gain a good amount of lean muscle. I'm 25, 74 kgs and 15% body fat. Lifting since last 3 years.

Everybody I talk to tells me something completely different. I don't want to bulk up and then start cutting. Can I run tren ace (250mg/week) for my first cycle? Along with test propionate (250mg/week) for 12 weeks. Should I also add Equipoise (500mg per week) for 16 weeks? If I take equi and test for 16 weeks, should continue tren after the 12th week?

If whatever I said didn't make any sense, can you guide me?

I also suffered from testicle torsion 6 months ago. The surgery took place within 6 hours and there was no significant damage. I'm fully recovered now. Will this cause any issues?
You should lose more weight as a natural first to start. And don't run tren on your first cycle. 400mg of test E or C is good for a first cycle.

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Thanks for all the help. I've learned many things watching your videos.

My goal is to gain a good amount of lean muscle. I'm 25, 74 kgs and 15% body fat. Lifting since last 3 years.

Everybody I talk to tells me something completely different. I don't want to bulk up and then start cutting. Can I run tren ace (250mg/week) for my first cycle? Along with test propionate (250mg/week) for 12 weeks. Should I also add Equipoise (500mg per week) for 16 weeks? If I take equi and test for 16 weeks, should continue tren after the 12th week?

If whatever I said didn't make any sense, can you guide me?

I also suffered from testicle torsion 6 months ago. The surgery took place within 6 hours and there was no significant damage. I'm fully recovered now. Will this cause any issues?

First , since you are looking at a first cycle, I wouldn't even being thinking in any way near getting into Tren, I've said this before you are getting into a car for the first time and would you get into a drag racer? At least the drag racer has a parachute. Choose one compound go from 8 to12 weeks and see how your body reacts to that one compound. Make it one of the testosterones or anavar to be on the safe side, but don't get near tren at all. That is like a kid playing with fire, after your first cycle you have other things to work into, or try. After Tren there is no where else to go. And what is testicle torsion and how do they fix it? Are you considered healed now?

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you NEVER and i mean NEVER use tren on a first cycle.. you are getting in way over your head here.. you are attempting to turn a marathon into a sprint... at 15% you are really not even in the right condition to even be using steroids... watch this video i did on tren on a first cycle...

honestly you are still too young to use steroids and you should definitely get your body fat down more in the 12-13% range... if you want to do things right and make this something you can do a lot longer... or you can be in a rush, make every mistake in the book and this will not last... your first cycle should be test only but honestly i would still look at running a few sarms stacks first but thats up to you...
Excuse my ignorance on testicle torsion, but has that impacted your testosterone production in any way?
You are getting way ahead of yourself bud. You don't take Tren on a first cycle or add any other drugs other than testosterone. Test only should be your first cycle. You can add sarms to that, but no other steroids. You need to get into a bit better condition first before cycling, but here is what I'd suggest for your first cycle for your goals

Get your SARMS and pct from

1-12 test C 350mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later

PCT starting two weeks after last injection

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
please let me know that you are reading this man because this is just a disaster waiting to happen...
Thanks for all the input. I've decided not to run a cycle before getting around 10% body fat. Then also NO TREN. I'll stay in touch.
Again, thanks for all the help and time.
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