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Daced/ first SARMS cycle/ Female/ Log


Ok..... here goes.
May not be great at this but going to try recording a log here for female users. Needing help for sure to make sure I am doing this correctly.

A bit about me:
Age: 51
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs (was 146 a month ago, but was @ 1000 calories/d)
BF% 26-27%
Calories: 1100-1300/d [try not going over 1200]
Macros: 40-35-25 (p-c-f)
[trying to get to 50-30-20]

Workout 3x/week w a trainer [p.m.]
4x/week at gym on my own (3x @ 30 min cardio & 30 min. weights + 1x 1 hour weights) [a.m.]

Planning to stay on the same dosage throughout.
Also, been on sarms for a week. No side effects so far (not even vision).

On HRT and doing Sermorelin w/ SARMS
Supplements: multi vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, Omega, Magnesium

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to workout or a.m.
1-12 mk677 (NUTROBAL) 12.5 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.
1-12 sr9009 (STENABOLIC) 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.

I'm pretty good at staying on track, w guidance and as long as I know what I am suppose to be doing.

Goal: Female experiment for age and using SARMS to lean out and lose weight (goal maybe 132lbs, but size and tone is more important than the # on the scale). Really want to get below 20%BF (18% would be great), but I know it may take more than one cycle. I'm not a pro athlete or competitor. Just want to look great (not good, but great).

Background: been working out consistently both on my own and w a trainer for several years, just not getting what I want out of the gym alone, so trying SARMS before trying next up.

I can post workouts as well. Just trying to not make this initial post that long.
I will plan to log a few times a week (unlikely I will have the time to log daily w two a days + work and travel).

Def. looking for some input from senior members here.
Let's give it a whirl.

Note: probably important to know, that i am likely a non-responder (so my trainer says), since I haven't really responded to training over the many things we've tried. (yes, I know many trainers are not real trainers, but I've had more than 1 as well).
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Glad to see you get this log going. Excited to see how well this stack treats you! I'm looking forward to your updates
Thanks Dylan and Rick.

Brief update from the first week of use.
As stated above, no side effects so far. Taste is terrible, lol (but nothing I can't handle). S4 taste like an accidental squirt of perfume in your mouth, and it's the mildest one to me.

Def. feeling more strength and endurance. Have been able to increase weights. Trainer thought it was the HRT and Semorelin, which it partly was, but I could def. feel more strength and endurance from the stack as well.

I have not had hunger issues at all. Something in the stack seems to be controlling appetite somewhat. Since the S4 is taken throughout the day, I set my alarm on my phone to remind me when it's time to take it again.

From measurements taken w calipers, the weight I gained was all muscle, just no loss of BF% yet.

This week my goal is to get my macros lined out. With the fewer # of calories, hitting the fats is only about 20g (not impossible, but quite difficult). I am trying to stay under 30g, but would love to stay below 20g. I must up protein a bit more and lower carbs a bit.

I may have to increase cardio a bit more to lower bf% as well. Planning to stick w what I'm doing for this week and see how it goes.

Hoping for senior members input here on diet/workout regimen.
I am hoping this log helps other females.
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you definitely will need to increase cardio to lower body fat.. i would recommend 4-5 days per week 45 minutes per day... i would go with 50-55% protein, 30% carbs and 10-15% fats..
Kinda freaking out a bit. Increased cardio and increased protein, decreased carbs and staying low fats. Have NOT increased calories, but increased weight by 10 pounds since starting this stack. I know it cannot all be muscle. I am trying to cut not bulk. Planning to do measurements again on Monday, but can someone suggest which one of the stack may be causing this issue?

Can def. feel more energy, strength and endurance in the gym.
Also, getting the vision of yellowishness at night, but nothing I cannot handle.

Part of it might be water retention? Hands feeling a bit swollen.
Should I stop all of them and add one back at a time to figure out which one is causing the issue?

Any advice appreciated.
Thanks !
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perfectly normal with mk677... thats water retention which generally occurs at the beginning... are you taking in at least 4700 mg of potassium and keeping your sodium at or below 2400 mg? 677 takes a while for the water to go away and the fat loss to begin... thats where the water weight gain is coming from right now...
I don't intake high sodium at all, that's always been one I've kept very low due to water retention. Potassium? I'll have to check on that one. I know I read that, but I thought it might not be the 677 since he is not taking it (he's taking the 2866 instead) and he is having the weight gain as well.

"677 takes a while for the water to go away......" How long is 'a while'?

That's a high potassium intake (not sure how to get that high on a lower calorie diet). Is there a water pill that should be taken to alleviate this issue? Read about the caffeine (which I don't use) and green tea (which I rarely use, but will try all day tomorrow).

Also read, that for many people and how bad it affects people may be genetic. Would cutting dose in half help/advised?

Up 10 pounds in short period of time is alot! Def. not looking to be up 20 pounds. (yikes!)

I do eat bananas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, a few almonds, steak, eggs, egg whites, oranges, and some peanut butter. (eggs for me is one egg and one egg white maybe 2 days a week) (peanut butter maybe once or twice a week also due to the high fat count).
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Going to try to drown myself w even more water and add green tea tomorrow.
Water is basically all I drink other than 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk w whey protein (and 1/2 cup again in oatmeal)/ day.
2866 would not cause any water retention but does definitely cause lean muscle gain...
generally about a month is how long the water tends to stick around..
you could lower the dose further, yes...

4700 mg is just the recommended daily intake for potassium so its not as if you are loading it...

i would never recommend any sort of water pill whatsoever, no way... diuretics are quite dangerous and cause you harm... you generally will not see them recommended too often... the sauna would be something to consider... dandelion root is a natural type diurectic than can help..
Thanks for the quick reply Dylan. I'll lower the dose a bit and try to up potassium, even more water and green tea tomorrow. No time for the sauna, lol (I work long hours tomorrow).

Loving the increased strength, energy, and endurance at the gym.

Hoping to get it under control quickly.
When it comes to water retention from mk677, electrolyte balance and water intake is the biggest factors in my experience. The first couple weeks it takes a bit to really get the water under control too
Thanks for the quick reply Dylan. I'll lower the dose a bit and try to up potassium, even more water and green tea tomorrow. No time for the sauna, lol (I work long hours tomorrow).

Loving the increased strength, energy, and endurance at the gym.

Hoping to get it under control quickly.
im happy to help!

Haven't been on here to update my log for a bit. Have been busy trying to figure the process all out.

Like so many females, I do think I have metabolic syndrome from cycles of viscous dieting. I can feel the energy, endurance and strength from the sarms, but do not seem to be getting the cutting bf benefits yet. (however, I have another week or two before caliper measurements w my trainer again).

I'm determined to see this out and recomp. I think it's important for myself and show others my experience w sarms.
Up to this point I gained some weight instead of losing. Experienced water weight for sure (likely due to 'not enough potassium' as my sodium has not been out of line').

I am continuing to work out w my trainer, concentrating on lifting heavier and added a few days back at my gym as well. (Currently working out 5-6x per week).

I added a nutritionist in an attempt to make sure I am getting it right.
Yes, I understand, nutritionists, like trainers, all have differing opinions.

I am working w someone who helps build nutrition plans (and training plans) for competitors, so I do believe this nutritionists may be able to reverse the metabolic syndrome.

I think it's important to note: for those new to this (like myself) and looking to cut BF, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, is the key. Working out is important, but I am not seeing sarms can help you IF your diet is not right (and that doesn't mean low calories, it means proper nutritional intake).

I'm just starting this nutrition plan and will continue to update. I do not want to post my exact written nutrition plan because everyone single person is different and dialing in to exactly what you may need is important.

I am continuing sarms and planning to run the full cycle.

Hoping this log will eventually help others.

I don't think I should've said SARMS 'cannot help' ..................

I think a better way to see it is that the energy, strength, and endurance can be felt almost immediately.
But, the results are not overnight and you must be patient, especially if trying to reverse metabolic syndrome.

I should also state that I am starting to see some muscle definition in my arms and I am only about 1 month into this cycle.
I am lifting heavier and it is easier to get through those last 'not gonna make it' reps.

So, I am seeing positive benefits to sarms.

Patience is the key for sure. I just want to make sure to log the issues I face along the way (as other females may have commonalities).
metabolic syndrome is tricky at best and that can be a difficult process to overcome but it can be done but patience with a condition like that is definitely required and some cases are far worse than others... age, gender, all play a key role in that as well

Continuing on Sarms stack, working w trainer, and working out on my own as well.
The nutritionists, I believe, is on the right track. The water retention from MK677 i was getting is definitely going away.
He increased my calorie intake and the scale moved down.

Strength and endurance in the gym is amazing!! Loving the extra stamina in being able to push through.

Next up, measurements next week for BF%

Fingers crossed it will be lower.

Continuing on Sarms stack, working w trainer, and working out on my own as well.
The nutritionists, I believe, is on the right track. The water retention from MK677 i was getting is definitely going away.
He increased my calorie intake and the scale moved down.

Strength and endurance in the gym is amazing!! Loving the extra stamina in being able to push through.

Next up, measurements next week for BF%

Fingers crossed it will be lower.
excellent! i told you it would start to come off and im beyond happy to hear that you are doing so well! keep up the great work!
Thanks for your encouragement Dylan !

Interestingly, I dropped 5 pounds in two days when starting this nutritional plan. It def. helped get the water retention under control quickly.

Water retention can be so scary.
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