
Appropriate Attire @ the Gym

I personally wear tshirts and have no problems moving around. I see guys wearing the string shirts and just want to laugh. Mostly because they are skinny little gits. I know they have a use to see contracting muscles and all. But if you wear one please sanitize the equipment after use.
Sandow could tear a telephone book in his hands, and then bend a horshoe and then blow up one of those heavy rubber enema,or douch bag...whatever it. He blew it till it popped.

When my wife joine PF at 10$/month she went with a midriff halter top on. Just showing off her abs I suppose, but they told her she needed a shirt. I gave her my roerig 714 quaalude shirt.That was fine.In a way I am glad PF does that. They sound a loud ass alarm if someone is acting the fool.Guys clanging weights or breathing and grunting get the alarm. I guess I won't wear my speedo Down here in cajun land we have all of those franchises plus a lot of private gyms. You basically can get any kind of gym you want. I am surprised that Baton Rouge has no choices...I mean it s the capitol of Louisiana.
I went to PF once with my wife and dind't mind it at all. There was guy doing one arm dumb rows with 45 lbs screaming and grunting every rep. My wife was next to him doing 50lb rows making no noise. I thought to myself I wish pops was here with his gray beard and gray hair who does 105lbs.
A lot of those franchise places discourage heavy weight training. No deadlifts allowed. Also the heavist dumbell they have is 75lb.

yeah that is a HUGE problem, no deadlifts and only 75 lb DB? man heck no
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