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Hello Dylan. I'm a 51 year old male and I've been on my nutritional journey for approximately 5-6 years now. I faithfully workout in the the gym with a personal trainer 5-6 days a week and I've gone from being a weight loss client to making the commitment to competing this fall. I take minimal prescriptions for my blood pressure and cholesterol. I wanted to enter an all natural competition when recently my trainer asked how I would feel about supplemental help. I've always been afraid of anything I couldn't purchase over the counter for fear of doing any long term damage to my body. I'm competing for me and only me,,,,,,,not to shock the world. My personal feeling is if I can put myself in position to make it on stage.......well then I've already won.

I'm writing you because I've been trying to do research on Anavar and Clenbuterol. I basically wanted your opinion on the Anavar. I've watched your YouTube vids on Anavar and found your approach and opinion very interesting. You don't seem to be a salesmen or some fitness coach with a personal agenda. I get the feeling that you're all about passing on honest information and I appreciated that. In your video "Winstrol vs Anavar" I noticed you said that you "didn't" like Anavar. I was wondering if you would elaborate on that if possible. I'm in my "bulking" phase and I'm currently 24 percent body fat. I'm not looking for a miracle, but for help in areas that I may need it. My coach mentioned the Anavar and said I wouldn't have an issue as long as I follow instructions. He also said that I "wouldn't" need a PCT where I noticed you said you would definitely recommend one. Again, because of my age, things like Testosterone and liver preservation are a big concern of mine. In one hand I want to just continue to push forward with hard work and clean food and see how my body the other hand, if i felt comfortable with the safety of Anavar, I would really like the assistance during my cutting phase and just do a show that's not natural. He mentioned an 8 week cycle but didn't mention the milligram......this in combination with the Clenbuterol for 10 weeks. (I haven't gone down the Clenbuterol path as of yet)

Hoping you have a happy and healthy day.
if you paid me i would not advise you to use clen so in no way shape or from would i advise that... if you even have the slightest issue with bp and cholesterol, im certainly not advising you to use steroids and especially not an oral steroid.. i would not be listening to someone advising you to use steroids that is just some trainer... generally, they get people hurt with horrific advice... i would consider sarms but not steroids...
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