
Reviewing my male hormone test results


Ok guys, i just got the result of my male hormone test and i want to review them with you, still waiting for my female hormone test(LH,FSH, Estradiol etc...) i will post them too as soon as i get them. Will give you again my stats i am 5'8" at 175lbs at 10% bf and i am 30 years old.

Total Testosterone 11.3nmol/l-327ng/dl (7.6-31.4nmol/l-220-910ng/dl)
Free Andogen index 40.40 (24-104)
SHBG 28.00nmol/l (16-55nmol/l)
Free Testosterone 6.81ng/dl (4.85-19.0ng/dl)
Bioavailable T 174 ng/dl (72-235ng/dl)
Albumin 4.69g/dl (2.70-5.78)

So my total T is very low for my age still in normal range but low. Recently I have been stressed out and my libido is not like few years ago but when i have sex intercourses i am still rock hard so i expected it to be at least in the middle of the range. SHBG and BioT are in the middle of the range so this is probably the reason why i can still perform good in sex. So guys as usual feel free to give your honest opinion.
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So guys i got my other values here they are:
Fsh 3.60iu/l (1.5-12.4)
Lh 5.10 iu/l (1.8-8.6)
Prolactin 412 miu/l (86-324)
Estradiol 76 pmol/l (0-192)

So here is how i tought to run the cycle:
W1-10 test cyp 300mg/week split in 2 injection monday and thursday,
W1-12 arimidex 0.5mg eod;
W13-18 clomid 50mg/day;
W13-18 aromasin 12.5mg eid;
W13-18 nolvadex 20mg/day;
W13-18 ostarine 25mg/day and cardarine 20mg/day.

So i know since i have high prolactin i should run cabergoline but in what dosages and protocol??? Please guys help!!!
I think your aromidex might be too frequent for 300mg. But feel it out as you go. You want to wait 10-14 days after stopping yes to start your pct.
Just out of curiosity, why arimidex to aromasin?

Also, you aren’t taking anything to raise prolactin, so I wouldn’t add anything in for that. Now if you add a deca or tren eventually, I’d for sure use caber or prami.
So yoy are saying that running test alone would not cause to raise even more my prolactin? I decided to go for arimidex cause since my estrogen are in the middle of the normal range running aromasin would be overkill if you consider also that its a weak first cycle of 300mg a week. I put aronasin in pct cause dylan always says to use aromasin in pct cause the major estrogen spyke in pct. You said that for you taking arimidex at 0.5mg eod is too much what would you consider a better dose. Anyways thank you very much for commenting on my post, any suugestions and comments are appreciated.
I don’t think aromasin would be overkill at all. Pick one and stick to it.
For me, at that dose I’m good taking .5mg dex or 12.5 aromasin 2x one week and 3x the next alternating. Eod puts you at 3x and 4x. But you have to figure your body out. And remember your estrogen is in the middle range now, you don’t know what it will do when you add exogenous test.

Even when you run a drug that does raise prolactin, if you control your estrogen, then prolactin will rarely get out of control. Most people don’t realize that.
Ok so i will run adex at 0.5mg monday e3d so on one week i will take it twice and three times on the other one. I will have aromasin in hand anyways in case i am very sensitive to estrogen. Anyways i will open a log when i will start the cycle so i will keep you guys updated on how things are going and we can adjust things accordingly.
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