
Question regarding PCT


New member
Hey there Dylan I bought some Winstrol 10mg oral and was wondering if pct is necessary. The website says it’s not necessary but just wanted your input.
It's most certainly nesscary and from the sound of it you have no idea what you're doing and should take some time to research more. You never run a oral only cycle.
dude just stop this shit... you have no damn clue what you are doing and for you to even ask that is just craziness... what exactly do you know about any of this?
Hey there Dylan I bought some Winstrol 10mg oral and was wondering if pct is necessary. The website says it’s not necessary but just wanted your input.

It is a steroid dude. Of course pct is necessary. It shuts down your natural test production. You also wouodmt ever use winstrol on its own. You sound like you don't have much knowledge or experience.

What is your full stats, goals, and experience?
ALL steroids require PCT unless you are on TRT.

It's a valid question but it's somewhat disturbing that you're asking it.

Your first cycle should be Test only then your 2nd cycle you can add an oral providing you have the proper stats of course.
ALL steroids require PCT unless you are on TRT.

It's a valid question but it's somewhat disturbing that you're asking it.

Your first cycle should be Test only then your 2nd cycle you can add an oral providing you have the proper stats of course.
i agree, the question is valid but its very very disturbing because you can see the path he is going is a "learn as you go" type of thing where they start into something they are clueless on and then ask as they go.. this is not Home Economics or something where you can do that type of thing... My recommendation, just stop all of this immediately...
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