
25 years old, low T


New member
Hey dylan I'm a subscriber on your channel and I wanted to get some advice from you, I'm 25, 6'4 200 lbs and have been feeling symptoms of low T, despite having an appropriate fat intake, sleep schedule, low stress, daily exercise routine, and overall diet I was having issues, so I go to the doctor and get a blood test my T level is 343... which obviously for a 25 year old is mega low, however my doc won't put my on TRT because he says I still fall in the 'normal range' (this has been an ongoing issue for over a year I get tests done every few months and my T is never over 380) so what's your advice? I have kaiser permanent insurance so they won't give me another doctor... I was thinking maybe I should go to one of those anti-aging clinics and pay 200 a month.. is it worth it? Should I even do it?
you need to see another doctor because yes, you are low bro.. i dont give a shit what the "range" is, you are low, period... you are a prime candidate for trt... go to a very qualified endocrinologist and explain all the symptoms you have
If you ask a girl for her # and she says no, do you keep asking?

Or do you go to the next broad?

Not brain surgery.
Why can't you get another doctor? I'm with Kaiser Permanente and can switch doctors whenever I want, as many times as I want. I can even do it online.

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