
Worst thing just happened

if some one is that brazen to just walk off with really anything like that you have no idea what they could do or weapon they may have if you confront them.. imo doing nothing was wiser,, I got mugged once.. they money in my pocket wasn't any where near the value of my life, dude needed it more than I did.. you get more money or another bike, but only 1 life..

I was angry in my experience but that is in a nutshell thats what the cop had to say, i filed a police report..

I guess if you are on some tren you might have the crazy factor going for you.. but this story made me feel bad and recall that..
This is why I live in texas. You mess with me you have two options. I break you over my knee or I shoot you. I usually carry riot cuffs ready to go too. I'm friends with the local le. I'm happy to cuff your ass in citizens arrest.

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Always stand up for yourself, a ass kicking is just that a ass kicking. Bruises and broken bones will heal, lost pride and respect for yourself is much more damaging in my opinion. Remember a coward dies a thousand deaths a Soldier only but once. But I'm hardcore military to the bone.
Thanks guys... I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. It's so funny you mentioned standing up for yourself regardless of the outcome, because as I saw this guy take my bike, the alpha male (pretty sure every guy has one inside of them or just that voice that promotes you to do something heroic in certain circumstances) was just yelling at me to do something, considering I've been picked on all my life...that rage manifested its self. But knowing me, since I'm so logical and a pure nerd I factored all the possible negative outcomes like possibly being killed was also going through my head. But yea..nothing justifies my wimpy decision, the fact I was so tiny is where I began to doubt myself. Also I agree, using AAS for this reason is invalid but I'd never use them for a cool, or just to do them motive. More along the lines of a personality change I've read some can actually change how you are as a person. I'm always super nice about everything. I grew up with mainly women (no father so I have no other males who's stood in my corners except my brother and you guys) how I am as an individual is just a result of no father I'm guessing. No structure, not
To take away from my mom she's awesome but you can see where I lack a lot of the better aspects a man could have showed me. But I'm no trouble maker nor would I want to be one.
I understand your background and upbringing has a lot to do with it brother. Just keep hitting the iron hard, killing it in the kitchen....and keep learning and growing. All of those things will do wonders for self confidence in time. It helped me big time and changed my life. As always, we will be here for you when you need us
Big muscles does not mean you have big heart and big balls. I was 160 lbs and the Bouncer disrespected my wife and he was huge but I punched straight to the liver he could not get up. everyone on line started cheering because of what he said to my wife. I was scared but I was like fuk that.
Join up at an mma gym too. I did for a while. Lots of fun. I always believed you at least have to back up you're size. plenty of big dudes out there but most could get fucking rocked. My wists hurt these days though, I did some boxing too. My whole family did the whole golden gloves thing. I guess im the one who didnt lol. id much rather shoot you.
Nothing I hate more than getting punched in the fucking nose
Join up at an mma gym too. I did for a while. Lots of fun. I always believed you at least have to back up you're size. plenty of big dudes out there but most could get fucking rocked. My wists hurt these days though, I did some boxing too. My whole family did the whole golden gloves thing. I guess im the one who didnt lol. id much rather shoot you.
Nothing I hate more than getting punched in the fucking nose
I intend to take up Muay Thai :)
I understand your background and upbringing has a lot to do with it brother. Just keep hitting the iron hard, killing it in the kitchen....and keep learning and growing. All of those things will do wonders for self confidence in time. It helped me big time and changed my life. As always, we will be here for you when you need us

Thanks bro, will definetly do that :D
Muay Boran and FMA are the great equalizer but the big thing will require you to put time in sparring with and without safety gear, one one one, 2 on one and multiple attackers really trying to rough you up. Karate and other sport fighting is cool but they do not teach real street self defense. Fighting for self defense is not like the movies. It is fast ugly and brutal. Learning how to break the "freeze up moment" is the key. A small dude can throat punch or eye jab the biggest dude easily and walk away looking like a super hero. THe thing is, you MUST fight the freeze and strike while people are still talking.
Break the freeze with scenario training.
Do not expect sport fighting to help you to become a person adept at self defense.
They are not the same.
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