
Sustanon, Deca and Winstrol cycle suggestions?


Greetings I would like to know a dosing protocol for this substances and if the pct would remain the same as

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

I'm not the one doing the cycle I had done 3 cycles before but is for a friend who wants to do his first cycle no matter what and I'm here looking for information for him so I can recommend him. He has used sarms but never done a cycle before and he's 24 years old
Well your friend has no business starting a cycle that young, we don't know bf% or anything...but first cycle should be test deca, Damn sure no orals
and if is that way what testo would be the best for him and at what dosage?

None he needs to stay away from steroids man. He's not even concerned enough to do his own research. He's too young and his cycle is crazy for a rookie. Tell him to do SARMS only.

I told him the same but he will do it anyways thats why I'm asking to suggest him before he does a crazy shit
None he needs to stay away from steroids man. He's not even concerned enough to do his own research. He's too young and his cycle is crazy for a rookie. Tell him to do SARMS only.

Agreed. Dude why don't you get him to create an account here so he can hear it first hand? Hes going to get nowhere being stupid. A cycle like that is not what he needs at all..

Phurious Pharma Rep
I told him the same but he will do it anyways thats why I'm asking to suggest him before he does a crazy shit

well then unfortunately he's just going to have to learn the hard way... just because he's going to do whatever he wants doesn't mean anywhere here is going to break their own moral code and give him advice... the last thing anyone will do here is get pushed around by some young punk who thinks if he says "im doing it anyway" that we will advise it... that shit will get you out of here just as quick as you sign up... im the LAST person to try that with...
well then unfortunately he's just going to have to learn the hard way... just because he's going to do whatever he wants doesn't mean anywhere here is going to break their own moral code and give him advice... the last thing anyone will do here is get pushed around by some young punk who thinks if he says "im doing it anyway" that we will advise it... that shit will get you out of here just as quick as you sign up... im the LAST person to try that with...

So many learn the hard way
I'll let talk with him again and will let you guys know if he will try the stack of sarms

At least try to talk him into joining this board so he can learn. Personally, I'd hate to have to rely on someone else to help me. There's a lot here we can help him out with.
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