
Supplements for learned helplessness


So I noticed that Dylan Gemelli and others are really strong and want to fight back, like when someone steps on your toes, you speak up. I really like this. But for some people, they are just depressed and circumstances just get the best of them. They live in poverty or they get the worst from life due to circumstance, like from an accident. If you had to pick 1 supplement that helps you to "stand up for yourself", to fight back.. What would be the best to solve the learned helplessness.. Is pure T (or DHT) the most important? should you block prolactin with things like bromo to get out of that weak state ? (this is all considering that diet and exercise are already dialed in)
That is not something you supplement for. Everyone is different and we all have different personalities. Just be who you are and don't try to be someone else. Once you accept and love yourself you will become confident with who you are.
There arent supplements to make you change who you are and start sticking up for yourself. thats more of a confidence thing bro. I got into it with a guy on here yesterday but that is because i dont let people walk over me. Just be who you are and have dignity, confidence is everything.
That is not something you supplement for. Everyone is different and we all have different personalities. Just be who you are and don't try to be someone else. Once you accept and love yourself you will become confident with who you are.

i dont buy into the whole personality thing.. no male wants to be a helpless weak guy... i was really helpless and weak when i was eating the wrong foods.. whining all the time.. then I made some diet changes it went away... but sometimes the stress/damage is deeper and it takes supplements.. ive seen some big transformations with people using things like thyroid or other hormones... but i wanted to hear in here what people had experience with, since people here have tried lots of hormones and other supplements... which thing helps with "learned helplessness" without making you aggressive of course
im sorry but thats not happening... that comes from within... you dont have to buy it but thats what it is... i dont shit to stand up for myself accept someone to press me... i want that shit on my own... you know what makes me run 9-10 miles per day... ME, nothing else, but ME... you know what makes me eat disciplined 7 days a week and never fall off... ME, not some stupid ass pill to get me to do it... you know what makes me fight back?? ME, because im not bitch and im not taking shit from anyone... there's no steroid or pill thats going to make you fight back dude... thats something YOU have to develop within... i cant teach that, i can only encourage it... no steroid helps with so called "learned helplessness"... you have a HUGE misconception
I think you need Cognitive behavior therapy more then anything else... LOOK IT UP ....
hormones can affect your mood for the better but they are still only secondary to your own attitude which is the real determining factor.
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