
Starting PCT


I'm a 38 year old male, 5'11, 220lbs. I'm getting ready to start my PCT tomorrow morning & would appreciate some advise on how much & when to run. I have already started Aromasin (12.5 mg ED for first week & plan to switch to EOD now), & will be starting Clomid, Nolvadex, GW-501516, & MK-2866. I have purchased one bottle of each from sarmsx. From what I've gathered from my previous thread, my cycle was no where near optimal for my first cycle, or any cycle for that matter. My doses where way to high & not balanced, I realize that now, & was running off of info from a friend, who I believed knew what he was talking about. My cycle was as follows;
All quantities where administered in 2 injections. (1 on Wednesday, & 1 on Sunday)
Note: Arafuse=80% Test. Enanthate, 20% Test. Propionate
Week 1 - 250 mg Deca, 250 mg Arafuse
Week 2 - 500 mg Deca, 500 mg Arafuse
Week 3 - 500 mg Deca, 500 mg Arafuse
Week 4 - 500 mg Deca, 500 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 5 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 6 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 7 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 8 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 9 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 10 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar
Week 11 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse, 50 mg ED Anavar for first 3 days
Week 12 - 750 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse
Week 13 - 500 mg Deca, 750 mg Arafuse
Week 14 - 250 mg Deca, 1,000 mg Arafuse
Week 15 - 1,250 mg Arafuse
Week 16 - 1,250 mg Arafuse
Week 17 - 625 mg Arafuse (this is only 1/2 of the previous week because I stopped after one injection)
I realize now, that I've been doing my own research, that this is crazy, & it makes me cringe just typing this. My last injection was 2 weeks ago tonight, & I plan on starting my PCT tomorrow morning. I started Aromasin 1 week after my last injection. Luckily, I've had no gyno symptoms other than sensitive nipples toward the end of my cycle, which has now subsided. I can't seem to upload my blood work PDF, so I'll list everything that's not in the normal range. They are as follows;
Platelet-119 (low) (150-450 normal)
Neutrophil (seg)%-70.3 (high) (50-70 normal)
Lymphocyte%-16.4 (low) (20-45 normal)
Eosinophil%-7 (high) (0-6 normal)
ALT-70 (high) (0-40 normal)
AST-62 (high) (0-40 normal)
Cholesterol-103 (low) (130-200 normal)
HDL-25 (low) (>40 normal)
Estradiol-142 (high) (2-54 normal)
Prolactin-17.5, is in the normal range, which is 2-18
Testosterone total-6690 (high) (250-1100 normal)
Testosterone free-2234.2 (high) (35-155 normal)
I know that the testosterone count is unnecessary at this point, but I went ahead and ran it anyway. I did my last injection on Wednesday evening, & had my blood drawn on Thursday at noon. Please let me know if you want to know any other results, I didn't list anything that was in the normal range. Thank you in advance for your help.
Just make sure you run that pct protocol and you should hopefully recover well. You ran way too much gear as you already know, so I would run bloodwork after pct is complete to see where you are at

Here is how your pct should lay out

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
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