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Im looking for high quality proviron from Bayer. if anyone knows where to get any please let me know in pm or here
Re: RE: proviron

peter24 said:
Im looking for high quality proviron from Bayer. if anyone knows where to get any please let me know in pm or here
Any particular reason you are looking for Bayer? We have a lot of great sources here with high quality legit proviron. You don't need Bayer to get that, and often times pharma grade is easy to fake. I can get you a price list for Biotech if interested
Pharma Lady also has Proviron made by Platinum Biotech AND Global Anabolics 25mg
peter24 said:
i just want a quality product.

bayer is the originator and of course a quality product but you also need to remember those boxes and packages can be faked as well... you need to be well aware of that... i can recommend quite a few places with quality proviron that should ring a bell... samson supplies has extremely high quality as does bio tech, pharma lady, AY, Phurious... all have quality... you cannot go wrong with any of them
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