
Please Help- Type 1 Diabetic and Cardarine


New member
Hey Guys,

New to the forum. I was looking to take GW strictly for fat loss. Fat loss is my number one goal. I'm 6', 230lbs, 33 years old and 25% body fat. Will only taking GW help with fat loss (dont want to take any SARMS) and would it cause any problems because I'm type 1 diabetic (under great control). Also, I have questions regarding when you stop a cycle. Specifically, does your metabolism drop lower then when you started GW? My fear is to regain a ton of weight if i decided to stop for good after a few cycles (even with continuing a good diet and exercise) Thanks for the help!!

Hi Greg,

Im no expert but I am sure most people will tell you GW isn't a miracle weight loss drug. Taking it with no diet and/or exercise I doubt you will see dramatic results. I am currently on my second week of GW with other sarms and my weight loss has been minimal with a strict diet and high activity.

If that is your plan maybe someone else here can give some advice. Personally I believe you would be wasting your money without a long term lifestyle plan.
thanks sirjecht. Sorry if i didn't explain well. I absolutely plan to eat well and exercise while taking GW. I currently do Krav Maga 4 days a week, cardio 2 and weights 2 days as well. Started to get back into the swing again 3 weeks ago with my diet and exercise. Im currently losing 2lbs per week. Never have taken anything before. Sirjecht, do you have a lot of fat to lose as well?
I don't see any interaction issues at all with your diabetes at all, and as a matter of fact some studies have shown GW to help better regulate blood sugar so you should be perfectly fine.

Since you are looking strictly at fat loss, GW is perfect. I'd also stack SR9009 with it, since it is used to drastically increase metabolism for enhanced fat loss. They stack perfectly together

I highly recommend getting them from which is the only source I trust. Rin them for 12 weeks and here is the dosing protocol

1-12 GW 20mg per day dosed 30 minutes preworkout
1-12 SR9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times per day every 2-3 hours)

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
thanks RickRock. If i used this for a year, cycling on and off, i assume that my metabolism would go back to normal, correct? I dont want it to be worse if i stop them all together. Any stories of people adding back the weight quickly after stopping completely? Thanks again guys!
From my understanding it should help with preventing going hypo but you'll still have to watch high BS. Are you on a pump or a slow acting insulin?
I am not on a pump but I take shots multiple times during the day. Fast acting before I eat and once a day for the slow acting.
thanks RickRock. If i used this for a year, cycling on and off, i assume that my metabolism would go back to normal, correct? I dont want it to be worse if i stop them all together. Any stories of people adding back the weight quickly after stopping completely? Thanks again guys!
Yes, your metabolism will absolutely go back to normal. They don't work like thyroid meds do that suppress your metabolism from use. Nothing like that at all. You get a nice boost, but you will return to normal after use right where you was before

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
you can run these year round... you dont need any pct with gw or sr... simply run 16 weeks cycles, take 2-3 weeks off and then you can jump right back on... these two are non suppressive...

SR corrects metabolic disorder as well... you will not end up losing anything unless you fall off the wagon and start eating like a pig and not working out...otherwise, you wont have any sort of issue...

the very best GW and SR can be found at
Thanks for all the quick responses guys. Picking the 2 up later tonight. Last question... I've had gyno since 13 years old. It gets worse as I get heavier and better when I'm leaner (which I guess is obvious). But no matter what my nipples are always a little puffy. Will the GW and SR help because I'll be leaning out or is their something else that can specifically deal with gyno? I thought I saw something mentioned while doing research on the forum. And is what I'm thinking of a SARM? Thanks again for all the help and guidance
Thanks for all the quick responses guys. Picking the 2 up later tonight. Last question... I've had gyno since 13 years old. It gets worse as I get heavier and better when I'm leaner (which I guess is obvious). But no matter what my nipples are always a little puffy. Will the GW and SR help because I'll be leaning out or is their something else that can specifically deal with gyno? I thought I saw something mentioned while doing research on the forum. And is what I'm thinking of a SARM? Thanks again for all the help and guidance

if it is actual gyno, then no but if it is just excess fat, which it sounds like there definitely is, then of course it will help but they cannot cure gyno either...
Thanks for all the quick responses guys. Picking the 2 up later tonight. Last question... I've had gyno since 13 years old. It gets worse as I get heavier and better when I'm leaner (which I guess is obvious). But no matter what my nipples are always a little puffy. Will the GW and SR help because I'll be leaning out or is their something else that can specifically deal with gyno? I thought I saw something mentioned while doing research on the forum. And is what I'm thinking of a SARM? Thanks again for all the help and guidance
Dylan pretty much covered it but if you have gyno it won't help that. You may just have extra fat in that area which the GW and SR will help with for sure

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
No, I have not had blood work done. I just purchased the 5 pack of GW and SR. The "date added" in the order confirmation is 6 months behind. Is that normal? Looking forward to getting them soon. I know it depends on the state (I'm in NYC), but does it take a while to get delivered?
No, I have not had blood work done. I just purchased the 5 pack of GW and SR. The "date added" in the order confirmation is 6 months behind. Is that normal? Looking forward to getting them soon. I know it depends on the state (I'm in NYC), but does it take a while to get delivered?

no not at all... they are shipped usps priority and take 2-3 days... im not sure what you are reading?
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