
My questions thread.

Hello guys its me again and now with blood work results
Prolactin 18.96 (86-324)
LH 5.89 (1.7-8.6)
FSH 3.4 (1.5-12.4)
Estrogen 60.38 (28-156)
Testosterone 17.49 (8.64-29)

I can't believe cuz my testostorone are higher than before cycle, but that's not explain why I feel so crappy, so tired and can't achieve erection. My libido not existing. So what's next? Should I continue my pct protocol? (Im on 3rd week of pct right now)
you can finish pct but your bloodwork is completely fine aside from your prolactin being so low which could be the problem... its way below range but there is NO other indicator of any problem whatsoever so you might have to wait for that to level out...
I took two tablets (0.5 tablet every 3 day) of cabergoline earlier so that's could be a reason for low prolactin levels. I am think low libido could be a side effect from tamoxifen. Label says tamoxifen cause lack of libido and ED
Anyway thank you for the answers mr. Dylan :) I finish my pct and few weeks later will report how I feel
After my blood work I reduced dose of clomid and nolvadex, my libido skyrocket and my morning wood came back. Now I feel much better now, I feel I am fully recovered :)
Hello every one, just wanted to ask a question. Would 250mg of test enanthate will be enough with 200mg of deca or should I run test higher?
What Sarm would be the best compliment for Equipose? My goal is lean gains and loose some fat with diet for this summer. I was thinking about Deca with Test, but I don't know do I want to run this steroid because (Deca) is one of the most supressive steroids
My one friend has natural gyno (man boobs) he never taked steroids or other hormones. There is any way to reverse this problem?
@Pete54 damn...
Another question about sarms. Does it safe to take GW before workout with preworkout supplement (with stimulants like caffeine) or it would be better to take at the morning?
@Pete54 damn...
Another question about sarms. Does it safe to take GW before workout with preworkout supplement (with stimulants like caffeine) or it would be better to take at the morning?

Natural gyno is not that uncommon, its basically an hormone disbalance. I think your friend needs to see a Dr. to get a proper diagnosis. I'll let the people who know answer your question about sarms.
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