
HCG in TRT: benefit of curse?


I realize that this is a topic of much conjecture across different forums – and it seems the consensus here is that hCG should not be used in TRT protocols. Fundamentally, this makes sense – as you would be simultaneously giving your body a signal to shut down production, as well as restart the system.

Nevertheless, some of the leading TRT experts in the world all use hCG as part of the protocol, whether using shots or gels. Their reasoning is that it not only prevents testicular atrophy – but patients feel better as it tends to backfill some of the other hormone pathways and receptors that would ordinarily be shut down when taking supplemental Test.

I'm curious what those of you on TRT are doing for yourself – and if you are not using hCG, how are you dealing with the testicular shrinkage / and how do you feel overall?

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On my opinion using HCG on TRT makes absolutely no sense unless having full nuts is that big of a deal to you, or you are trying to have a kid.

Short of that, there's no reason at all to use hcg on trt.
This is the key to it IMO. I don't know enough to confirm or deny its validity. A con will be higher e2 as it can cause additional aromatization at the leydig cells themselves.
I feel better when my e2 is high but there's definitely a fine line there that once you cross things go bad.
More HCG means more Arimidex to control the E2. I ran it solo as a form of TRT monotherapy and felt like shit for a couple of weeks – but I also had a lot of SERMs in my system and the two may not of mixed well. Towards the end, and adding in a bit of AndroGel I felt very good – although my E2 was over 60. The guys I know who are on TRT from the popular clinics all run hCG, and swear they feel better.

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