
From South Africa


New member
Hallo Dylan
First of all i want to say thank you for your stunning channel i watch your videos almost every day. So much info that you give me as person. I do not want to take much of your time just a few Q if possible.
1) Must i store any kind of steroids in fridge ?
2) I am looking to use EQ and Test Cypionate (but i remember that u said Test is Test) Can i use only one for start or do i have to use both.
3) When i use a Pct...must i use it after cycle finished or start using it
in last week of cycle or during cycle.
4) Last Q..Armidex or Nolvadex what
do u think i cant make up my mind
really i cant.

Best Regards
(from South Africa)
1. no

for questions 2-4...

thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
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