
On Prescription TRT, How do I dose Aromasin?


New member
Hello guys,

I'm 21 and have been on TRT for over a year now. I was orginally being prescribed 200mg of cypionate every 2 weeks but ended up with test levels of 1321ng/dl. Due to that, the dose was then dropped to 150mg every 2 weeks. After doing that consistently, these were the results of the blood draw:

Testosterone Total: 1104ng/dl (range=250-1100)
Estrogen Total Serum: 721.3pg/ml (range=60-190)

As you can see, my estrogen is WAY TOO HIGH. Doctor doesn't believe in prescribing aromatase inhibitors so I decided to purchase Liquiaro aromasin (15mg/ml @30ml) from

My question is: how should I go about dosing this with my current levels?

I have no interest in putting on tons of muscle and have been on TRT purely to feel normal and to function well. I just want to feel normal/optimal.
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