


Just finished my PCT for the Healing stack, well I mean the 4 weeks is up (Clomid 50/50/25/25 GW 20mg per day) and reckon I've got enough of both SARMs to continue for another week. Should I continue with both or stop the Clomid and just continue with GW-501516. I will also be taking MK677.
Yes. After the 4 weeks, stop the Clomid.
You can always run GW-501516 a bit longer. But after 16 weeks you should stop for a bit.

LGD-4033 and MK-2866 max 12 weeks. (So if you have some of that left, keep it for the next cycle.)

MK-677 needs to be ran 6 months to a year, so you can just keep using that one ;)
Just finished my PCT for the Healing stack, well I mean the 4 weeks is up (Clomid 50/50/25/25 GW 20mg per day) and reckon I've got enough of both SARMs to continue for another week. Should I continue with both or stop the Clomid and just continue with GW-501516. I will also be taking MK677.

If you are at the me of your pct, and still have a little of both left, I'd just finish them both out. Running Clomid a little longer is fine. It's just like extending your pct a bit which is not a bad thing
you can definitely continue with clomid and i never have a problem with extra recovery being utilized... its not like it will hurt you but it can definitely help you
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