


New member
6' 190lb
Not much access to a bodpod but physique estimates would be roughly 12-15%
6 years of serious training outside of typical BS Highschool athletics
0 completed cycles
Current strength and endurance athlete, powerlifting movements combined with distance running races. My primary hobbies revolve around time spent in the backcountry at elevation (10k+ Ft above sea level), so doing my best to mitigate obstacles or improve performance within those settings is of interest
Current supplement list is generic whey, bcaa, pwo
Nutrition is sound and clean, lately has been spent around 2800-3000cal a day due to large amounts of time being spent distance running with strength training 4 days weekly
Injury wise I've been fairly fortunate, spell of runners knee currently from the amount of miles I've been putting in but all is well and recovery is being prioritized.

Appreciate the info from all, I'll be spending the majority of my time reading and learning lessons from those who came before me. Thanks in advance.
You mean high school gym class is BS?

Who knew?

10K above sea level sounds pretty challenging....looking fwd to hearing more about that.

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