
Here's some help for great sleep.


The Almighty Salad Tosser
I know alot of us train really hard and push our bodies to the limit. Most of the time we stay strict with our diet and supplementation but then you wonder why some nights you just can't get to sleep, or get a good night's rest. You probably have adrenal fatigue from training so hard. Here are some great tips to help you meathead brothers and sisters: 1. Make sure you're taking a quality multivitamin. Most of you probably look over the trace minerals and vitamins, but they come in handy and ALL play a big part of the body functioning well.
2. Take an extra B-Complex (I suggest Jarrow "B-Right") take it in the morning about 15 minutes before your first meal. B vitamins are critical in repairing and maintaining healthy adrenal functions.
3. Vit-D3 with K2. Vitamin D3 is very important for males and can help raise test levels. K2 is taken with D3 because too much D can harden arteries. Take about 2,000-5,000 iu's everyother day in the A.M. with breakfast.
4. Fish oil every day. Omega fatty acids are great for a healthy immune system and proper brain function. Take 1 softgel morning, mid, and evening.
5. Vitamin B12 methylcoblamin. Don't use the cyacoblamin. Methyl absorbs deeper into the brain and promotes better sleep. Take 10,000mcg about 2-4pm. Chew up tab and let it sit under tongue to dissolve and absorb better. (JARROW brand)
6. ZMA. 2-3 pills of ZMA are great and helps calm the nerves and actually help repair muscles through the night. Take serving about 1 hour or so before bed.
7. Pure L-Glutamine. When taken with ZMA before bed, about 3-8 grams will help calm down your nervous system by lowering cortisol levels extremely which cortisol can keep you up. Also, Glutamine promotes Growth Hormone release through the night helpinh you with them GAINS!!!!!!!!
8. Ease up on the heavy stims late in the evening. Caffeine is a love/hate thing when coming to our body functions.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions or input, feel free to post!!!
Nice post, bump.
I have been using somatomax myself in addition to many of the things mentioned above, it is a GH release and it seems to be diuretic for anyone concerned about water..I think I have lost 6 lbs of water the past week, but i am also cutting carbs and upped my MCT.
Try the sleep genius app on your phone. Doesn't require ingesting extra compounds. Or one could incorporate the app with other compounds for maximum results.
Not very long, the first time I took it I did a full scoop and I was out for 18 hours,, it is crazy powerful, but now im doing half scoop and its awesome, i was doing every other nite and now im at every nite,, def liking it..
I'll check them out. How long have you been taking Somatomax??
Just be careful. It contains Phenylbut which should be used for about 2-3 weeks max, then off for 2-3 weeks and back on. It can become a dependent problem for some. But I hear it is pretty good!!!
The reason I didn't mention Melatonin is because alot of folks use it wrong. Melatonin is great when used between .25mg to .75mg nobody really needs more than that. You can actually disrupt natural melatonin production and interrupt sleep cycles. I personally used about .25mg to .5mg and never have had an issue. Some people run all the way up to 10 mg!!!! That's horrible and can actually had adverse side effects. Not to mention you'll wake up feeling like you chugged a half gallon of whiskey while saying your goodnight prayers.
The reason I didn't mention Melatonin is because alot of folks use it wrong. Melatonin is great when used between .25mg to .75mg nobody really needs more than that. You can actually disrupt natural melatonin production and interrupt sleep cycles. I personally used about .25mg to .5mg and never have had an issue. Some people run all the way up to 10 mg!!!! That's horrible and can actually had adverse side effects. Not to mention you'll wake up feeling like you chugged a half gallon of whiskey while saying your goodnight prayers.

Agreed. Its not a sedative. Its a sleep aid.
Ive also used binurial beats,, it really gets you calmed down and I think is also capable of GH release

I have also read several times that sound waves can increase natural GH I would believe due to the fact of rapid onset of REM and overall deeper sleep. Which is why I use sleep genius app on my phone pretty much every night for the past year. And on difficult nights I include some melatonin, but prefer to not utilize compounds or as little as possible when I can.
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