
Looking for more info on Garcinina Cambogia

The active ingredient in Garcinina Cambogia that makes it so powerful is Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), it works by inhibiting key enzymes, Citrate lyase, that contribute to the conversion of carbohydrates to fats in the body. The inhiting effects of HCA on citrate lyase, halt the conversion process and decrease production of LDL and triglycerides. HCA has a secondary effect of increasing serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is linked to the feeling of happiness or positivity. The increase of serotonin can help reduce the onset of emotional or reactive eating which may be contributed to low levels of serotonins.

My question is, is what is inhibiting the conversion of carbs into fat, does it also inhibit conversion of carbs into glycogen??
I would say it has no impact on carbohydrates and glycogen whatsoever. It also doesn't seem to be extremely effective from the feedback I've seen. Mostly overhyped it looks like
Yeah I figured, thats why I came here first, I figured I get the real dirt.

Gotta watch out for the Hype Train or it'll run ya over!
i used it. It works a bit, its nothing miricle like.. dr oz makes it sound like iti s .It was a big help curbing hunger, i noticed that quite a bit.
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