
A Body in Progress: Season 40+ Video Journal

pretty cool. It is strange to me, to see guys let themselves go. I guess having so many brothers and a powerfull father, I just was never allowed to be out of shape. We worked out with dad whenever he would let us. At 6 years old he bought us a weight set and showed us the basics. My mom was a wonderfull cook and cooked everything from scratch. What dad ate we all ate. I must have been around 10 when I ate pizza. Did not care for it. Then at 11 I went with friends to fast food burger place. I took one bite,,choked it down and threw all of it away. It shows that what you eat,like, dislike is all condtioning. It is a habit. So my habit has always been toward being athletic. I got married at 200lb and 10 years latter I am 207lbs. We are just creatures of habit. I was unaware of any food that mom didn't cook.That is just a habit!
I was sedate, more interested in piano, writing, puzzle books, and video editing - none of which are very athletic, lol. You had a great past and have clearly kept up; I definitely have a fight ahead...
Man I think its great what youre doing. Anything is possible. at 18 I was 6'1 165lbs didnt really do much other than play video games some sports and skateboard. Now Im 23 285lbs at about 12% its all doable. Just about the determinaton and effort put in my friend.

You serve as a great inspiration to many. Excellent addition.
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