
Asking for help with a smart mouth...


Active member
So let's say you start off a thread like this:

'Hey all, so I've been running my first cycle for 10 weeks ... 500mg Tes Cyp per week also threw in Anavar at 50mg per day and Poviron at 50 per day.

Enjoying some solid results - gains,strength etc. I'm now on week 5 and running into wk6 this Saturday.

So I'm thinking about hcg on wk6 then 2 weeks after my last shot doing clomid and tomoxifen for 4wks.

My question is- how long is a good length of time for the hcg and what dosage.....
Also what dosage for using both clomid/tomoxifen.

Any info or question welcome. Thanks a Milligram '

and then after people attempt to help you, you end up like this:

'Lol thanks gear head .... I'm actually on wk5/6

Not helpful !! You might want to do a little research buddy, I am more than happy with my stack after taking the right advice. Thanks Dylan

If you have nothing constructive to contribute to the post then sometimes a still tongue makes a wise head.

Be lucky'

Look at the highlighted portions...

1. So you come here and basically admit you know dick, which is fine we've all been there at some point in time.
2. You just decide to throw in Anavar (yeah bud, great selection and unwise to just add shit randomly for the hell of it... fuck I got it, add it)
3. You're 'thinking' about adding HCG and have no clue how to PCT asking for dosages.
4. Then you say 'Any info or question welcome' to appear receptive, but in all actuality you just want to know what you want to know and anything extra is beneath your all knowing ass.

The Response back:
1. I might want to do a little research? Sorry, I didn't ask for anything.
2. Now you're happy because Dylan fixed your fucked up cycle that you ill prepared for like a moron. I would be too.
3. Still tongue, wise head? Keyboard tough. I love asswads like you that hide behind the web and get smart knowing that if we were in the same room you'd be sitting there mad as hell, but scared to move, shutting the hell up praying that I let you walk out with some resemblance of your manhood intact.

Feel free to breathe boy, after all this is the internet. - The 44
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