
SARMs Only Cycle Questions


Hello all,

I want to run a SARMs only cycle of mk-2866 and gw-501516. I ordered both products from sarmsx. This is the layout:

1-12 25 mg/day mk2866 (Ostarine) dosed once in AM

1-12 20 mg/day gw-501516 dosed 30 mins before workout or once in AM on rest days

9-12 3g d-aspartic acid

mini pct

50/25/25/25 Clomid
20 mg/day gw-501516


Age: just turned 21

Height: 5'8

Weight: fluctuating between 165-170 lb

Body fat %: between 15-18% (very conservative value, have a decently visible six pack but estimating much higher)

Years of training: 2.5-3

Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): None, I am a first timer.
PCT for each cycle: N/A^

Goals: To recomp/bulk if possible

Supplements (if any): Creatine monohydrate/HCl, caffeine, whey/casein protein powders, citrulline malate, beta alanine, betaine, BCAA's

General idea of nutrition: Run maintenance calories or slight surplus

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.): No injury history. I get some tennis elbow in my left elbow every now and then but it is circumvented/goes away if i stay away from skull crushers.

Now, I have a few questions:

1) Is it safe for me to run a suppressive SARM (mk-2866) at my young age where I am still under hormonal/endocrinological development?

2) If the answer to the above question is yes, then what type of blood work should I get done? Is it sufficient to get a female hormonal panel from (about $67). If so, what values are of relevance to me - total serum testosterone, obviously, but any others? If I post my results on this forum, will you guys help me decipher what each relevant value means?

3) Should I get blood work done pre and post cycle only or get blood work done mid-cycle as well?

4) What is the shelf life of sarmsx SARMs and how do I properly store them?

5) What other substances are allowed to be taken while on SARMs? Is it okay to have a few drinks every now and then or smoke a joint or two every now and then? I am also prescribed Adderall XR 30 mg daily and have been taking it for many years, though I try to take it on an as needed basis because I know its not very good for your health. Sometimes I take modafinil a few times a week to increase my overall intellectual productivity in place of Adderall because that is overall healthier (being a college student and all). Are those okay to take while on SARMs? I don't want to overload my liver and cause irreversible damage so I am sorry for asking so many questions.

Thank you for the guidance and advice.
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Hello all,

I want to run a SARMs only cycle of mk-2866 and gw-501516. I ordered both products from sarmsx. This is the layout:

1-12 25 mg/day mk2866 (Ostarine) dosed once in AM

1-12 20 mg/day gw-501516 dosed 30 mins before workout or once in AM on rest days

9-12 3g d-aspartic acid

mini pct

50/25/25/25 Clomid
20 mg/day gw-501516


Age: just turned 21

Height: 5'8

Weight: fluctuating between 165-170 lb

Body fat %: between 15-18% (very conservative value, have a decently visible six pack but estimating much higher)

Years of training: 2.5-3

Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): None, I am a first timer.
PCT for each cycle: N/A^

Goals: To recomp/bulk if possible

Supplements (if any): Creatine monohydrate/HCl, caffeine, whey/casein protein powders, citrulline malate, beta alanine, betaine, BCAA's

General idea of nutrition: Run maintenance calories or slight surplus

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.): No injury history. I get some tennis elbow in my left elbow every now and then but it is circumvented/goes away if i stay away from skull crushers.

Now, I have a few questions:

1) Is it safe for me to run a suppressive SARM (mk-2866) at my young age where I am still under hormonal/endocrinological development?

2) If the answer to the above question is yes, then what type of blood work should I get done? Is it sufficient to get a female hormonal panel from (about $67). If so, what values are of relevance to me - total serum testosterone, obviously, but any others? If I post my results on this forum, will you guys help me decipher what each relevant value means?

3) Should I get blood work done pre and post cycle only or get blood work done mid-cycle as well?

4) What is the shelf life of sarmsx SARMs and how do I properly store them?

5) What other substances are allowed to be taken while on SARMs? Is it okay to have a few drinks every now and then or smoke a joint or two every now and then? I am also prescribed Adderall XR 30 mg daily and have been taking it for many years, though I try to take it on an as needed basis because I know its not very good for your health. Sometimes I take modafinil a few times a week to increase my overall intellectual productivity in place of Adderall because that is overall healthier (being a college student and all). Are those okay to take while on SARMs? I don't want to overload my liver and cause irreversible damage so I am sorry for asking so many questions.

Thank you for the guidance and advice.

You are fine to take MK-2866 at your age. It is the most mild of all the suppressive sarms and won't have a huge impact on your test levels

The female hormone panel from privatemdlabs is fine. You need total test, free test, LH, FSH, and estrodial. Pre and post cycle bloods are sufficient

Sarms should be stored away from sunlight in a cool dark and dry place. They will be good for a couple years or more if stored correctly
you are fine with any sarm at your age... they are very very mild to say the least... the hormone panel is perfect and all you need... all values are important man... you get pre, mid and post cycle bloods always, no matter what you run... keep them stored in a cool dry place and they are good at least a few years...
Thanks for the replies Dylan and Rick. What about my last question about what other compounds I am allowed to take during this proposed cycle? Also, If you both had to pick another SARM, out of LGD, s4, or RAD to be run along with Ostarine, which would you say is best for size/strength gains? I was thinking LGD.
for size and strength, i would be stacking lgd and s4 for sure... you cant get any better than those for what your wanting... also, your completely fine smoking pot on cycle but the alcohol, thats your call... i dont ever advise it.. it kills gains etc. but thats up to you and how much you actually care
Thanks for the replies Dylan and Rick. What about my last question about what other compounds I am allowed to take during this proposed cycle? Also, If you both had to pick another SARM, out of LGD, s4, or RAD to be run along with Ostarine, which would you say is best for size/strength gains? I was thinking LGD.

If you add something else, I would definitely add LGD if you are looking for more mass and strength. S4 would also be a very solid addition. That would give you one awesome stack which would look like this

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
That's what I was thinking too but I'd rather not deal with the vision sides as my eye sight is already weak and I just don't want to take any risk with my vision for now, maybe some time in the future. And you know how it is Dylan when your a college student, the peer pressure is never ending, parties left and right so I enjoy partaking every now and then. I will try to take it easy when I go on cycle because I want to milk the most gains out of it. But what about my Adderall prescription, am I okay to take that in conjunction with SARMs? Wouldn't it overload my liver or do SARMs have no liver impacting side-effects like Adderall and alcohol do?
That's what I was thinking too but I'd rather not deal with the vision sides as my eye sight is already weak and I just don't want to take any risk with my vision for now, maybe some time in the future. And you know how it is Dylan when your a college student, the peer pressure is never ending, parties left and right so I enjoy partaking every now and then. I will try to take it easy when I go on cycle because I want to milk the most gains out of it. But what about my Adderall prescription, am I okay to take that in conjunction with SARMs? Wouldn't it overload my liver or do SARMs have no liver impacting side-effects like Adderall and alcohol do?

Sarms are not liver toxic so there is no issue with your prescription, but as you know adderral isn't exactly the healthiest thing to run either
Yes, I know it's not the healthiest of substances but it really does provide me an edge when I have to through 12+ hrs of coursework and spend 16+ hrs studying for a majority of the semester, that damn MCAT exam lol. I will try to use other substances less while on this cycle just to play it safe though. I love how you guys give such good advice and truly care for people, it's not something thats too apparent in our society anymore. It's nice to see that people do in fact still care in this world. So hat's off to Rick, Dylan and all the members of this forum, you all are great!
I will attempt to create and keep up with a log when I begin my sarmsx mk-2866 and gw-501516 cycle. I will give my feedback and keep you all updated with the gains/results!
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