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Anyone here bro.

Robolics/domestic pharma/biotech/pharmacom

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The 44 Board Rep and GAINZ GUNZ Record Holder
Coupon Code: THE44
how much do you spend on food every week. gear isnt cheap food cost more during a cycle. i suggest eating good and save for a cycle. sounds like your not ready.
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What are your stats?
weight height Bodyfat % goals ?

Have you done any cycles in the past?
I'm 5'7 160lbs. Bodyfat is 9%. I've done sarms cycles before, but never steroids. So just wanted to get info to see if I want to go that route or not.
You have a solid base, let us know if you need any help setting up a cycle with proper pct or any other questions you might have.
Thanks. I appreciate it. I was going to run test cypionate 500mg a week with dbol. But dbol at 30mg for the first 4 weeks and test weeks 1-10. With anastrozole .5mg a day throughout cycle and 10 days after. Is that okay? Or any suggestions?
You'll need a much better pct than just an AI, and I would advise against using Adex on a first run if you're gonna use dbol... You don't know yet if you're going to be prone to a lot of excess estro when the test/dbol starts to aromatize, and dbol is notorious for doing that pretty quickly, so a test only cycle is generally better for your first go-round.

If you're still going to run dbol with it anyway, Adex leaves you at a risk of estrogen rebound when you stop using it, since it only inhibits the binding to receptors while you're taking it, where a suicide inhibitor like aromasin actually binds itself to the estro, which pretty much destroys it in any usable form to your body.

Do a little reading on PCT layouts and how different aromatose inhibitors act in the body, you've got a decent base and an idea of how your cycle should be set up, so you're miles ahead of most guys already, but don't rush into it without the full setup planned, and HAVE PCT ON HAND FIRST before you even pin the first mL of that cycle.

Can't tell you how many guys have an issue mid cycle and have to stop, and then panic trying to get PCT to their door asap before they're fucked up.

[email protected]
Thanks a lot. That really helps. I'll just run test with Adex, then do clomid afterwards. Since I won't be using Dbol, should I still do 500 mg of Test a week? Or should that be increased?
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