
My first cycle


New member
Hey everybody I would like everyone's input on my first cycle. I'm 5'8. Mid 30's. I consider myself a gymrat. Working out 5 times a week. Been doing alot of HIIT type cardio which gotten to the point I'm getting tired of it. I was able to do it for 2 months with good fat loss with my top 2 abs starting show but my lower stomach / lower back is still a challenge. This month has been harder for me some reason. I haven't lost any strength which surprised me a bit. After many recommendations from friends who are professional bodybuilders and research online. Mainly my goals are cut more bodyfat and get stronger. I'm still at 15-17% Bodyfat range. plan to take a week off to up my carbs to confuse my body after doing caloric deficit for almost 3 months. Well Anyways, This cycle was recommended by a pro who competes regular where I'm at.

8 week Cutting cycle
*300mgs of testosterone propionate/week
*150mgs of trenbolone acetate/week
*100mgs of masteron enanthate/week
*10mgs aromasin/EOD
*25mgs proviron/ED

But based what I read . THis is cycle I should follow for the first time

Test E for 12 weeks 500m/g a week
2 Weeks after last injection Clomid/ Noladex
Aromasin to avoid gyno

bro, shoever gave you that first cycle is the biggest asshole on the planet and i commend you for at least reading first and understanding you cant run that as a first cycle and especially not at your body fat... your body fat is still too high to use steroids... you need to be closer to 12-13% which you most certainly can get to... i would recommend starting with sarms and then after that cycle you should be in excellent condition for an anabolic cycle but right now, at this point, i would never recommend that you start with anabolics... here is a sarms stack for you... you can get everything at

here is the layout

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
What should be my diet be? Do I continue my HIIT Cardio with this stack? thanks

well you are cutting so you should be eating below maintenance... 250-500 calories below maintenance... yes HIIT cardio is great but you need to implement steady state as well.. don't just depend on hiit... you'll burn yourself out... mix it up... 4-5 days a week... i do an hour of steady state 5 days a week

you can post up what you eat now and we can all tweak it for you...
I agree with Dylan and Rick. Cut BF a bit before considering AAS. SARMs would help get you there or you can use them once you get there (perhaps a different layout though) as a sort of "intro" to compounds stronger than your everyday supplements. If you do decide to go the AAS route in the future, your first cycle should be test only......300-350mg/week is a decent starting point in my opinion (worked great for my first cycle at 38). This will allow you to see how your body responds and your risks of high E2 conversion (and gyno), high prolactin, severe acne, and other side effects will be much lower.
I also agree SARMS is the best route to go in your current condition. You should be able to get down to a suitable BF percent and then re evaluate. Triple stack has always been a favorite of mine for peeling BF, but the added SR really takes the triple stack to the next level. Fucking love SR 9009

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Hey everybody I would like everyone's input on my first cycle. I'm 5'8. Mid 30's. I consider myself a gymrat. Working out 5 times a week. Been doing alot of HIIT type cardio which gotten to the point I'm getting tired of it. I was able to do it for 2 months with good fat loss with my top 2 abs starting show but my lower stomach / lower back is still a challenge. This month has been harder for me some reason. I haven't lost any strength which surprised me a bit. After many recommendations from friends who are professional bodybuilders and research online. Mainly my goals are cut more bodyfat and get stronger. I'm still at 15-17% Bodyfat range. plan to take a week off to up my carbs to confuse my body after doing caloric deficit for almost 3 months. Well Anyways, This cycle was recommended by a pro who competes regular where I'm at.

8 week Cutting cycle
*300mgs of testosterone propionate/week
*150mgs of trenbolone acetate/week
*100mgs of masteron enanthate/week
*10mgs aromasin/EOD
*25mgs proviron/ED

But based what I read . THis is cycle I should follow for the first time

Test E for 12 weeks 500m/g a week
2 Weeks after last injection Clomid/ Noladex
Aromasin to avoid gyno


Runnin tren at a bf% that high is gonna give you serious cardio issues as well as bp. You won't even get a full effective work out with the amount of huffing and puffing you'll be doing. This is a cycle for a pretty advanced user. Drop that bf% with the use of helpful supplementing-sarms. Than Test only cycle. Thats it
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