
Sore nips on cruise of 80mg twice per week


on cycle ive never had issues with gyno but once i started cruising 160mg per week i didnt think id need adex. But now im noticing my nipples are sore when i touch them. Thats the only sign of gyno so far. So should i just take .5 arimidex today and then .5 on injection days from now on? is that enough to combat the gyno before it gets worse? should i take some nolvadex or just arimidex is enough since i caught it early? Thanks
Calm down bro it's just sore nips. Go get bloodwork and find out what's going on before you fuck shit up. Bloodwork is part of the game and should be done a few times a year anyways.
Interesting blood work forsure but if it’s juts barely starting take a small dose of aromosin see if it goes away won’t hurt and if the issue goes away then you know your estrogen is a lil out of wack. I got gyno issues on 100mg a week of Test I also and estrogen sensitive
Bloodwork is really where you need to start. You need to know where all your levels are
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