
Potential Cycle


New member
Hey guys, I'm currently 150 pounds at 6 foot and I've been lifting for well over 2 years now and I've seen tremendous strength gains but not a lot of additive muscle. I am considering doing some sort of Sarm stack and I'm curious as to which one would be best for me. I am currently taking MK 677 as it heavily increases hunger which I need and I'm looking for something to add on to it. I took LGD 4033 for around a week before I had an allergic reaction to it which may not have been due to the actual compound. Any advice is welcome!
the reason you had an allergic reaction was probably due to the quality you have.. .where did you get your sarms?
Sorry for the late responses everyone! I'm currently 21 and I started working out midway through my Senior Year in highschool. I was on the wrestling team so I had done some weight training then but not with a specific regiment and diet. As for the allergic reaction I listened to @DylanGemelli and stopped taking the phony sarms that I bought and the allergic reaction went away. I play on buying my sarms from since that seems to be the most trusted source that I have found as of right now. I just don't know wether the actual LGD or something else within the pill.
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