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  1. S

    Steroid use now going for sarms

    Hey bro! Write these down before mods waste time asking the basic questions. Age Height Weight Body fat % Years of training Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) PCT for each cycle Goals Supplements (if any) General idea of nutrition (any food...
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    How to properly dose S4... The Dylan Gemelli Method

    Sup! Thanks @cbbram for pointing me to correct direction ... ;) Anyways, wanted to make sure if there is any benefit to also pyramid down? Didn't go over 50mg dose earlier so wasn't relevant in my previous cycles. Since you didn't mention anything about going down before cycle ends, I suppose...
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    Funny thing

    You know, I was about to post about this herb called Ashwagandha & ask Dylan about it since it's widely suggested power & health food here in Finland. Crossed my mind to actually check if he already made something off it.. being that I always laugh to people asking Dylan to do something he has...
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    question about clomid

    Clomid will only temporarily increase your test levels.. the benefits stop in a matter of days after you stop using it. Consider natural test boosters like tongkat ali
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    cycle help needed

    At this point you probably know you've been stupid. That aside, you need at the very least clomid, nolva & aromasin. Without ostarine & gw you'll probably lose a bunch of the muscle you gained but at least you'll live.. If you seriously cannot afford them I hope you have a good medical...
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    RAD 140 Replace TRT

    This is something that was hoped, but sadly RAD can't replace TRT. Also you never use PCT while on TRT.. If you are on TRT your testosterone production is 0 for rest of your life. PCT is used to restore your natural production of testosterone after using steroids. TRT & PCT simply can't...
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    testosterone only cycle

    You should get rid of your gyno before starting steroids tbh. Go take your bloodwork & post exact details of that mess when you were kid. Then it's easy for Dylan or Rick to suggest anti-gyno protocol. Usually when you are cycling with AAS you will be using aromasin 12,5mg eod for estrogen...
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    cycle help urgent

    Bloodworks bro :) It's basically impossible for them to help you without bloodworks & full cycle histories & pcts used
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    Cycle critique/help

    You can't do oral only cycles, at all, ever. You always need testosterone base for AAS. If you're not comfortable with needles, you could always consider SARMs. You'll get the same results minus all the negative effects with a strong SARMs stack
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    Cycle critique/help

    Save it.. your first cycle should be just testosterone 350mg / week You can use it later
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    Plans for the future

    Thanks Dylan, you're big help like always. I think I'll go with the three for my first real bulking cycle & add RAD in some future cycle.
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    Plans for the future

    So, my first cycle with Ostarine & Gw was a success. I'll update stats from starting point to end point ASAP. Finished last dose of Ostarine 2 days ago & had my first dose of Tamoxifen yesterday evening. Taking 20/10/10/10 of Tamoxifen & dosing GW the whole PCT. Overall I gained a nice amount...
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    common sense...

    What is your source bro? I'd suggest double-dosing just in case it's a bunk. Roughly 800 / week (you can just pin twice a month like 1600 @ once..)
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    Mixing them all in water

    Yes, but only after you've swallowed. Best thing to do would be 100% grapefruit juice for maxium bioavailability.
  15. S

    Mixing them all in water

    Do NOT do that. They lose bioavailability if you do that.. The only and i repeat ONLY thing you can mix it is 100% grapefruit juice, and even then it's better idea to take a sip of it, then drop it in mouth & take another sip..
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    Thoughts on running T4 while on HGH

    Talked with a family doctor about this T3 / T4 usage when it's not needed to treat thyroid problems. She mentioned couple things that are worth noting. Using them will (obviously) increase your energy and mild increase can cause something similar to minimal mania. Basically you'll be more...
  17. S

    Need specifics. Hoping for Dylan to weigh in.

    Looks like your doctor is giving you semi-legal blasts instead of treatment. Suppose it's fine if you asked for it, but you should still go down to TRT dosage after each blast & only do this twice a year for ~16 weeks at a time. Staying so high year round is not treatment for low test, it's a...
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    Advice on Rad140 and GW501516

    SARMs don't convert to estrogen so generally speaking you shouldn't have any problems. Then again, everyone reacts differently to compounds. Wjile SARMs don't themselves convert to estrogen, they leave more free testosterone in the bloodstream that will convert to estrogen. This happens because...
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    looked into this one too when I was younger (out of curiosity) it won't convert to tren even though the name says it ^^ you can read more here
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    Are you talking about LGD-4033 or LGD-3303? I know 3303 is sometimes called 3033 by mistake, but that makes it easy to mistake for 4033 like JP probably did. LGD-4033 is Ligandrol which is very commonly used LGD-3303 is a new SARM. Dylan's answer is directed towards 3303, NOT Ligandrol.
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