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  1. F

    PCT while on TRT

    Hi everyone, Some background information before i get to my question: On 7-Feb-2022 i went in for surgery, i had my inguinal hernia repaired as well as a vasectomy - surgery done laparoscopically For the past few years i have been taking 60mg Test E once every week When i got home from...
  2. F

    Gear and epidemic

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to get your thoughts on the epidemic affecting the quality of gear being produced in recent times. i know shipping is an issue for many and this may also have an effect on pricing. Do you think that the gear quality will drop ? Do you foresee drastic price increases ?
  3. F

    Test + deca + eq

    Hi All. I'm currently running my first stack which is 250mg of test once a week. I took Dylan's advice and started of small and let me tell you i'm so impressed with the gains i am getting just off test + clean diet and training. I'm looking to add on some size on my 2nd cycle with: Test +...
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