
Recent content by Voices

  1. V

    New User first SARMs cycle and questions

    well that sucks. i guess ill just write it off as a loss. ill use sarmsx from now on. so what kind of stack should i use this being the first time ive ever used anything like SARMs. i have no experience so any advice or a recommended stack would be great.
  2. V

    New User first SARMs cycle and questions

    i bought the gw and s4 from
  3. V

    New User first SARMs cycle and questions

    i only bought some of the gw and s4 and a bottle of the n2slin and hcgenerate. i'm glad i asked before i bought everything
  4. V

    New User first SARMs cycle and questions

    Hello my name is James I'm 25, 5' 9", 200lbs, and eat a very strict diet to lose weight (Mostly veggies and chicken. 1500 calorie diet). I was 235 lbs a few months ago. I workout 4 days a week and do cardio 2 days of the week. I'm looking to get cut/lose body fat, im about 25%bf according to...
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