
Douchebag Has The Secrets of How To Be Ripped Like Bruce Lee - Dailymotion

I am a special needs school teacher. The kid obviously has disabilities. He's not trying to be funny- he's dead ass serious. I know it's funny, but he ain't tryin to be

Yeah my wife is an assistant principal of an elementary school and had a lot of the special needs kids. I have a hard time making fun of them but this kid and Jason Genova beg for it

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I think the kid is actually a actor, he went to Columbia University or something like that. He is worth quite a bit of coin.
Looks like he needs to add a little cardio to his "secret" routine.

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Yeah my wife is an assistant principal of an elementary school and had a lot of the special needs kids. I have a hard time making fun of them but this kid and Jason Genova beg for it

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i think he is acting.. i could be wrong but thats what i think
sad demonstration of america. I need to cut cane and need to get busy. Whatever. Time to go to work.
Either he is screwing around or has a big mental defect. I'm actually afraid to make fun of him because I think he is in the same realm as Jason Genova. Someone in his life is encouraging him and he has no clue how awful he looks

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That video is so full of cringe to say the least. Dude looks ugly as sin period and his tats make him look even more of a douche.

He surely can't be serious and he would be a great workout buddy for Jason Genova that's for sure!
Lmao, dude that's Froggy Fresh. Hrs a YouTube rapper that acts like he's dumb but he's actually very intelligent. He id's just trolling in that video, trust me. Froggy Fresh it's awesome. Look up his video, "dunked on" it will have you in tears.

Why is James crying?cuz he just got dunked onnnnn! Lol this dude cracks me up...apparently krispy kreme threatened a law suit so he changed his name to froggy fresh. I laugh at all his vids.
Why is James crying?cuz he just got dunked onnnnn! Lol this dude cracks me up...apparently krispy kreme threatened a law suit so he changed his name to froggy fresh. I laugh at all his vids.
Yep, that's exactly right. He is hilarious and is basically a genius. He has serious music too, just look up Tyler Cassidy. He can play the piano, drums, and guitar.
Dam I just checked his serious music..dude is actually good. Guess he's not retarded just a comedian rapper as "froggy fresh" but them other songs are radio worthy
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