
Best needle for injecting Test


Just looking for some opinions on what other people are using to pin their test. This is what I use.

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BD works... 22g to extract and 25g to inject. If I run prop or short ester I’ll use a 30g

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I agree with both....22g to draw...1.5" 25g to pin glutes....1" 25g for everyplace else.
1" pins. 22g to draw and 25g to inject are always my go to for everything

Also, I'm loving 5cc barrels when my oil volume gets high running eq, high test etc
I use 22g 1” to draw 25g 1” nipro to apply using a 10cc. I find a 10cc is a lot easier to use for glutes.

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I have always used 1.5" 22 or 25 gauge in glutes but they're getting tired of pins. Just started using 1" insulin needle for legs and .5" insulin needle for delts and it's been awesome. Doing this for Test E and the oil comes out fine.
5ml syringe, 1" needle 20g to draw and 22-23g to pinn delts and glutes. I've been watching E.A and they too recommended pinning with insulin needles too.
25 gauge can leave a bump or knot from small stream from size of needle

23 g is much better

Don't jab needle press thru

It goes much smoother and haven't had one bump after switch 3 cycles back

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I've always used 25g x 1.5.. went to the 25x1 and that works perfect for me. I still hate needles. No pain or bumps. *till the end of my cycles. Either the glutes are too sore from banging (NO HOMO)or the skin gets tougher.

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25g to draw and new one to pin. Shits not that serious to use multiple gauges to draw and pin unless you're a prima donna or some shit.
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