little update
the triple x is bloody good stuff and will be buying again
GW, I would say has def helped me with my training and I don't seem to feel tired after a good workout
it has also helped with my course as I'm running Tren, the course seems a lot easier when running GW along side it.
I wouldn't waste anymore of my time watching any Prophet muscles vids, they talk to much crap
to be honest, if rich wants to take or do anything to get to the size he wants then fill your boots Rich
if anyone is stupid enough to take the amount of gear Rich does, more fool you
mate you need to drop her, you do not just stay with someone for the kids sake
that just doesn't work, I have been there bro
He was most likely the whole reason she went up there, maybe been taking through facebook or emailing
the whole thing sounds very suspect
prob not what you want to...
Hi Dylan
just received my first order and just have a couple of questions about dosing
I'm currently on cycle and running Test, Tren, this is the 5th time I have run Tren on my cycles
as it seems to work well for me compared to just eq/test
I have brought some Aromasin as I watched your...