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  1. P


    Does this stuff get faked? Its all over google easily available and i wnt to be sure its all legit!
  2. P

    How long until you can cut after AAS or Sarms

    Hi all. Loving the forums and going through everything to learn more. Just a question regarding macros after cycle is over. I have read that you absolutely shouldn't get into a calorie deficit after your cycle ends and before PCT starts. I plan on doing 6 weeks PCT to ensure I get a...
  3. P

    Bulking calories on AAS

    Hey all. Just curious if you’re maintenance is 2200 calories and your doing 250mg of Test E a week + 5 days gym and clean diet, what would / or should you go cal wise.... 0.5lbs gain a week (2500 calories according to my fitness pal) Or 1lbs gain a week (2700 calories according to my...
  4. P

    Body Fat % estimate !!

    Yo. I’ve cut down from 200lbs in the last year (had an injury). I had got to 200 through a slow bulk that went a bit wrong due to the injury. I put more fat on obviously. I’m skinny but was even worse before, so the bulk did help me fill out quite a lot. Happy with the changes some what...
  5. P

    First ever bloods

    Got my bloods back. They all seem ok. LH is a tad high but nothing to worry about apprantly. Unsure why but i'm hoping to fix that by looking into how I can safely / naturally reduce it. DHAE Sulphate - 12.600 umol/L Test - 16.7 nmol/L LH - 9.1iu FSH - 8.94 Estradiol - result coming soon...
  6. P

    Benefit of EQ with Test?

    Hi all. Really loving learning about AAS and educating myself. This forum is a god send! Anyway, I plan on doing my first Test E cycle (250 or 350mg) after a 12 week SARMs cut / bulk cycle. I will not mix compounds, listen to Dylan and everyone else sound advice and enjoy it, see how my body...
  7. P

    First Sarm's Cycle Advice

    Hi all. So I was going to go ahead and do a 4 week Clen cut to get down to 14% bf before doing my first AAS cycle (250 - 300mg Test E ew). However, I have read and heard how bad Clen is, so for now, it is going to stay in my drawer! I have been racking my brain on which Sarms to run. I have /...
  8. P

    Introducing myself

    Hey everyone. Adam here. 30, from England. I have been researching Sarms and AAS for a few months now and felt it was time to join the forum. I have lots of questions, but I felt it would be better to just say hi first of all.
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