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  1. W

    1st cycle - test E & test cyp , ghc and sermorelin

    Been a hard gainer forever, even with diet on point. Thought it might be due to low test levels, so had bloodwork done. What do you know/think about sermorelin? I talked to a doc about TRT, they said because my test levels are high they'd recommend that (sermorelin) over TRT. Is that a...
  2. W

    1st cycle - test E & test cyp , ghc and sermorelin

    Hey Dylan - thanks for replying so quickly! Thank you for the pct advice as well. I'm 5'11 and some change. The estro level is weird - not sure why it is high. Could that be due to having taken any sort of PWO sup for a while? Otherwise, I just take finestoride and daily vitamins...
  3. W

    1st cycle - test E & test cyp , ghc and sermorelin

    I've been reading posts, articles as well as watching vids for quite a while now, and I think I know what I'd like to do. I've typed up what I think will be my first cycle below. Would love feedback. nfo Age: 35 Weight 166 BF% - 10-12%est serum level - 1061 Estradiol 40.3 Consulted TRT...
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